andrewbaisden / complete-react-developer

A simple Twitter Clone App

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The Complete React Developer

The Complete React Developer

Reference material

These articles have the tutorials and documentation for this codebase.


  1. Start the Docker Desktop Application on your computer

  2. cd into the root folder for backend-nest-mongodb and frontend and then run the commands below to install the dependencies. You will probably need to force the installation when trying to install the dependencies for the frontend React application in this case otherwise it could give you an error.

# Run this command inside of the backend-nest-mongodb folder
npm install

# Run this command inside of the frontend folder
npm install --force
  1. cd into the root folder for docker-twitter-mongodb and run the command below to start the MongoDB database inside of a Docker Container.
docker compose up
  1. cd into the root folder for backend-nest-mongodb and run the command below to start the backend NestJS server.
npm run start:dev
  1. cd into the root folder for frontend and run the command below to start the frontend React server.
npm run start

The Twitter Clone App

You should see your database running inside of a Docker Container and your Twitter Clone React application open in the browser.

Run these commands inside of the root folder for frontend which is where React is. The command below starts Storybook.

# Starts Storybook
npm run storybook

You should see a Storybook component library open in the browser with a component for composing tweets. You can play around and change the names in the control to see how it looks in the demo. The command below runs the unit and integration tests.

# Runs the React testing library unit and integration tests
npm run jest

All of the tests should be passing in your console. The command below starts Cypress.

# Runs the Cypress End-To-End tests
npx cypress open

A new Cypress window should open. Run the integration test and get ready to be amazed as it automatically posts 3 tweets for you!

REST API Testing

Use these example routes for testing in Postman or whatever REST API tool you are using:

GET all tweets

Request: GET Route: http://localhost:8080/tweets

GET tweet by ID

Request: GET Route: http://localhost:8080/tweets/d5d29839-788f-4d23-99ee-82b49ff1bbf1

CREATE tweet

Request: POST Route: http://localhost:8080/tweets

Body raw: {"tweet": 'Hello World', img: ""}

UPDATE tweet by ID

Request: POST Route: http://localhost:8080/tweets/d5d29839-788f-4d23-99ee-82b49ff1bbf1

Body raw: {"tweet": 'Hello Moon', img: ""}

DELETE tweet by ID

Request: DELETE Route: http://localhost:8080/tweets/d5d29839-788f-4d23-99ee-82b49ff1bbf1


A simple Twitter Clone App


Language:TypeScript 67.1%Language:CSS 22.0%Language:JavaScript 7.9%Language:HTML 3.1%