andrewaguiar / inline_svg

Embed SVG documents in your Rails views and style them with CSS

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Inline SVG

Styling a SVG document with CSS for use on the web is most reliably achieved by adding classes to the document and embedding it inline in the HTML.

This gem is a little Rails helper method (inline_svg) that reads an SVG document (via Sprockets, so works with the Rails Asset Pipeline), applies a CSS class attribute to the root of the document and then embeds it into a view.

Inline SVG supports Rails version 4.0.4 and newer.

Want to embed SVGs with Javascript? You might like RemoteSvg, which features similar transforms but can also load SVGs from remote URLs (like S3 etc.).


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. All notable changes are documented in the CHANGELOG.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'inline_svg'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install inline_svg


inline_svg(file_name, options={})

The file_name can be a full path to a file, the file's basename or an IO object. The actual path of the file on disk is resolved using Sprockets (when available), a naive file finder (/public/assets/...) or in the case of IO objects the SVG data is read from the object. This means you can pre-process and fingerprint your SVG files like other Rails assets, or choose to find SVG data yourself.

Here's an example of embedding an SVG document and applying a 'class' attribute in HAML:

 !!! 5 
      %title Embedded SVG Documents
      %h1 Embedded SVG Documents
        = inline_svg "some-document.svg", class: 'some-class'

Here's some CSS to target the SVG, resize it and turn it an attractive shade of blue:

.some-class {
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
  fill: #3498db;
  width: 5em;
  height: 5em;


key description
id set a ID attribute on the SVG
class set a CSS class attribute on the SVG
data add data attributes to the SVG (supply as a hash)
size set width and height attributes on the SVG
Can also be set using height and/or width attributes, which take precedence over size
Supplied as "{Width} * {Height}" or "{Number}", so "30px*45px" becomes width="30px" and height="45px", and "50%" becomes width="50%" and height="50%"
title add a <title> node inside the top level of the SVG document
desc add a <desc> node inside the top level of the SVG document
nocomment remove comment tags (and other unsafe/unknown tags) from svg (uses the Loofah gem)
preserve_aspect_ratio adds a preserveAspectRatio attribute to the SVG
aria adds common accessibility attributes to the SVG (see PR #34 for details)


inline_svg("some-document.svg", id: 'some-id', class: 'some-class', data: {some: "value"}, size: '30% * 20%', title: 'Some Title', desc:
'Some description', nocomment: true, preserve_aspect_ratio: 'xMaxYMax meet', aria: true)

Custom Transformations

The transformation behavior of inline_svg can be customized by creating custom transformation classes.

For example, inherit from InlineSvg::CustomTransformation and implement the #transform method:

# Sets the `custom` attribute on the root SVG element to supplied value
# Remember to return a document, as this will be passed along the transformation chain

class MyCustomTransform < InlineSvg::CustomTransformation
  def transform(doc)
    doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(doc.to_html)
    svg = doc.at_css 'svg'
    svg['custom'] = value

Add the custom configuration in an initializer (E.g. ./config/initializers/inline_svg.rb):

# Note that the named `attribute` will be used to pass a value to your custom transform
InlineSvg.configure do |config|
  config.add_custom_transformation(attribute: :my_custom_attribute, transform: MyCustomTransform)

The custom transformation can then be called like so:

  = inline_svg "some-document.svg", my_custom_attribute: 'some value'

In this example, the following transformation would be applied to a SVG document:

<svg custom="some value">...</svg>


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Please write tests for anything you change, add or fix. There is a basic Rails app that demonstrates the gem's functionality in use.


Embed SVG documents in your Rails views and style them with CSS

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%