andrew-fleming / nile-plugin-example

OpenZeppelin Nile Plugin example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nile plugin example ⛵

This project is an example plugin for extending functionality in Nile.


pip install nile-greet


After installing you should already have the command available for usage. Run nile --help for checking the nile greet availability.


For creating new plugins follow this instructions below.

  1. Install Poetry:

curl -sSL | python -

  1. Install dependencies:

poetry install

After having the environment setted up we can start developing. We will use click for extending Nile commands. All new commands must be implemented as click.commands. Find below an implementation design template:

# First, import click dependency
import click

# Decorate the method that will be the command name with `click.command` 
# You can define custom parameters as defined in `click`:
def my_command():
    # Help message to show with the command
    Subcommand plugin that does something.
    # Done! Now implement your custom functionality in the command
    click.echo("I'm a plugin overiding a command!")

Great! Now our new Nile command is ready to be used. For Nile to detect it make sure at least version 0.6.0 is installed. Then modify the pyproject.toml file as follows:

# We need to specify that click commands are Poetry entrypoints of type `nile_plugins`. Do not modify this
# Here you specify you command name and location <command_name> = <package_method_location>
"greet" = "nile_greet.main.greet"


poetry run pytest tests


OpenZeppelin Nile Plugin example


Language:Python 100.0%