andresmontoyat / spring-batch-excel

Spring Batch extension which contains ItemReader implementations for Excel. Support for both JExcel and Apache POI is available.

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Spring Batch extension which contains ItemReader implementations for Excel. Support for both JExcel and Apache POI is available. Simple xls documents can be read with both implementations, however for reading the newer xlsx format Apache POI is required.


Next to the configuration of Spring Batch one needs to configure the ItemReader for the desired framework. There are 2 ItemReaders one can configure:

  • org.springframework.batch.item.excel.jxl.JxlItemReader
  • org.springframework.batch.item.excel.poi.PoiItemReader

Configuration of both readers is the same.


<bean id="excelReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.excel.poi.PoiItemReader">
    <property name="resource" value="/path/to/your/excel/file" />
    <property name="rowMapper">
        <bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.excel.mapping.PassThroughRowMapper" />

Java Config

public PoiItemReader excelReader() {
    PoiItemReader reader = new PoiItemReader();
    reader.setResource(new ClassPathResource("/path/to/your/excel/file"));
    return reader;

public RowMapper rowMapper() {
    return new PassThroughRowMapper();

Each reader takes a resource and a rowMapper. The resource is the location of the excel file to read and the rowMapper transforms the rows in excel to an object which you can use in the rest of the process.

Optionally one can also set the skippedRowsCallback, linesToSkip, strict and rowSetFactory properties.


When rows are skipped an optional org.springframework.batch.item.excel.RowCallbackHandler is called with the skipped row. This comes in handy when one needs to write the skipped rows to another file or create some logging.


The number of lines to skip, this applies to each sheet in the Excel file, can be useful if the first couple of lines provide header information.


By default true. This controls wether or not an exception is thrown if the file doesn't exists, by default an exception will be thrown.


For reading rows a RowSet abstraction is used. To construct a RowSet for the current Sheet a RowSetFactory is needed. The DefaultRowSetFactory constructs a DefaultRowSet and DefaultRowSetMetaData. For construction of the latter a ColumnNameExtractor is needed. At the moment there are 2 implementations

  • StaticColumnNameExtractor uses a preset list of column names.
  • RowNumberColumnNameExtractor (the default) reads a given row (default 0) to determine the column names of the current sheet


Next to the default ItemReader implementations there are also 2 RowMapper implementations.


Transforms the read row from excel into a String[].


Uses a BeanWrapper to convert a given row into an object. Uses the column names of the given RowSet to map column to properties of the targetType or prototype bean.

<bean id="excelReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.excel.poi.PoiItemReader">
    <property name="resource" value="/path/to/your/excel/file" />
    <property name="rowMapper">
        <bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.excel.mapping.BeanWrapperowMapper">
            <property name="targetType" value="com.your.package.Player" />


Spring Batch extension which contains ItemReader implementations for Excel. Support for both JExcel and Apache POI is available.


Language:Java 100.0%