andreldm / xfce-test

Docker/Xephyr environment for XFCE testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Currently this is just a playground to setup xfce in docker.
This is not a full xfce/xubuntu installation but for now only installs the newest libxfce4ui and some plugins for testing


The tests are run automatically by travis.

Build Status


This test is set-up as a docker container which is displaying it's X11 content on a Xephyr instance on your screen.

The first process to be started is LDTP As "toolkit-accessibility" is activated (see Dockerfile) LDTP provides an XMLRPC port to run automated tests.

On top of LDTP there is Behave running a series of tests.

You can also just start the container and "play around" in the newest XFCE environment...

make manual-session


either "read" the Makefile :) or at least assure docker and Xephyr to be on-board

sudo apt install -y xserver-xephyr


If you don't want to build this docker image on your own (with the Makefile from github) you should

  • pull the image from docker-hub
  • start Xephyr
  • run the container (having the X11 displayed in Xephyr)

here are those steps as copy'n'paste lines

docker pull schuellerf/xfce-test:ubuntu_17.04
Xephyr :1 -ac -screen 800x600 &
docker run --name xfce-test --rm --env DISPLAY=":1" --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix schuellerf/xfce-test:ubuntu_17.04

to stop testing you can leave the xfce-session and close Xephyr or

killall Xephyr

or just close Xephyr - which would be "the hard way"


To inspect stuff inside the docker to help create more tests you might want to start sniff which will help you identify the windows and buttons for LDTP.

You should start the tests with

make debug

This way the tests will stop executing and stay in the python debugger once a step fails. Once this happens you can inspect the current state of "behave" or checkout the current state in the Xephyr window or open up a second shell and start make run-manual-session to examine the current state

Package compilation

You can also use this container as test and compilation environment. When you are in a source folder of a component (e.g. xfce4-panel) then you should set the SRC_DIR to be a full path e.g.

your_host:~/xfce4-panel$ export SRC_DIR=$(pwd)

then start your compile and test enviroment (assuming that you have checked out in your home)

your_host:~/xfce4-panel$ make -C ~/xfce-test compile-local

then you can go into the directory /data in the docker container and compile/install and test in the Xephyr window

finally quit the bash of the docker container and tear down the container and Xephyr with

your_host:~/xfce4-panel$ make -C ~/xfce-test test-teardown


Docker/Xephyr environment for XFCE testing


Language:Python 59.2%Language:Gherkin 20.4%Language:Makefile 20.4%