andreformento / querido-diario-automation

Querido diário deploy scripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains the Ansible script to deploy the spiders created in the Querido Diário project. It installs the packages necessary to run the spiders and installs systemd services to run the spiders.

How to use it?

The deploys is done using Ansible. For that, you need to launch your server some where, configure ansible to access it and run the playbook


The playbooks expects a "querido_diario" group. So, first of all you need to configure the inventory. There a bunch of different ways to do that. You can check the Ansible documentation and choose what is better for you. One of the simplest way is have a simple file with the inventory. Something like this:


After you setup the inventory, you can test the access with the following command:

ansible -i inventoryfile -m ping querido_diario


The default scrapy pipeline configured by these scripts only download the gazette files and upload them to a remote storage system. The only one which has been tested is the Digital Ocean Spaces which works with the S3 protocol. For this reason, it is necessary define the variables with the access information.

All the available variables and their default values can be found at the roles/spider/defaults/main.yml. The playbooks already define the variables files at vars/configure_spiders.yml. Thus, you can just update the file with the variables and run the playbook.

The variables to configure the S3ish storage system are:

#Digital Ocean spaces config

You should be able to get this info from your PaaS provider.


After configure the inventory and the variables values (if needed), you can run the playbooks to configure the server. There are two playbooks available, the configure_everything.yaml and configure_spider.yaml. The configure_everything.yaml installs all the packages necessary to run the spiders, updates all the packages, creates user and install the systemd services and timers to run the spiders very day. configure_spider.yaml reconfigures the systemd services and timer. But it does not reconfigure the host machine. To run the playbook the following command can be used:

ansible-playbook -i inventoryfile configure_everything.yaml
# OR
ansible-playbook -i inventoryfile configure_spider.yaml


Querido diário deploy scripts