andreformento / learning-kubernetes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Install minikube
  • Start minikube (enable v1alpha1)
minikube start --nodes=2 \
               --memory='4000mb' \
               --cpus=4 \
               --disk-size=10g \
               --driver=kvm2 \
  • Configure
kubectl config use-context minikube


minikube delete --all=true --purge=true

Enable loadbalancer

  • See what changes would be made, returns nonzero returncode if different
kubectl get configmap kube-proxy -n kube-system -o yaml | \
  sed -e "s/strictARP: false/strictARP: true/" | \
  kubectl diff -f - -n kube-system
kubectl get configmap kube-proxy -n kube-system -o yaml | \
  sed -e "s/mode: \"\"/mode: \"ipvs\"/" | \
  kubectl diff -f - -n kube-system
  • Actually apply the changes, returns nonzero returncode on errors only
kubectl get configmap kube-proxy -n kube-system -o yaml | \
  sed -e "s/strictARP: false/strictARP: true/" | \
  kubectl apply -f - -n kube-system
kubectl get configmap kube-proxy -n kube-system -o yaml | \
  sed -e "s/mode: \"\"/mode: \"ipvs\"/" | \
  kubectl apply -f - -n kube-system
  • Install metallb
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
# On first install only
kubectl create secret generic -n metallb-system memberlist --from-literal=secretkey="$(openssl rand -base64 128)"
  • Configmap
MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip)
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: config
  config: |
    - name: default
      protocol: layer2

Useful commands

  • kubectl get pod - get information about all runnning pods
  • kubectl describe pod <pod> - describe one pod
  • kubectl expose pod <pod> --port=444 --name=frontend - expose the port of a pod (creates a new service)
  • kubectl port-forward <pod> 8080 - port forward the exposed pod port to your local machine
  • kubectl attach <pod> -i - attach to the pod
  • kubectl exec <pod> -- command - Execute a command on the pod
  • kubectl label pods <pod> my label=awesome - Add a new label to a pod
  • kubectl run -i --tty busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never -- sh - Run a shell in a pod - very useful for debugging
  • kubectl get deployments - get information on current deployments
  • kubectl get rs - get information about replica sets
  • kubectl get pods --show-labels - get pods, and also show labels attached to those pods
  • kubectl set image deployment/helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=k8s-demo:2 - run k8s-demo with the image label version 2
  • kubectl edit deployment/helloworld-deployment - edit the deployment object
  • kubectl rollout status deployment/helloworld-deployment - get the status of the rollout
  • kubectl rollout history deployment/helloworld-deployment - get the history of the rollout
  • kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment - rollback to previous version
  • kubectl rollout undo deployment/helloworld-deployment --to-revision=n - rollback to any version
  • kubectl explain pods or kubectl explain pod.spec documentation
  • watch -n1 "kubectl get all -o wide --show-labels"
  • kubectl logs pod my-name --previous to show previous restarted pod
  • kubectl api-resources show all resources
  • kubectl drain <node name> and kubectl uncordon <node name> safely drain node
  • kubectl create -f kubia-deployment-v1.yaml --record, kubectl set image deployment kubia nodejs=luksa/kubia:v2, kubectl rollout undo deployment kubia and kubectl rollout history deployment kubia
  • properties: revisionHistoryLimit and minReadySeconds
  • kubectl rollout pause deployment kubia and kubectl rollout resume deployment kubia
  • kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=<node-name>

NOTE Although most objects' names must conform to the naming conventions specified in RFC 1035 (Domain names), which means they may contain only letters, digits, dashes, and dots, namespaces (and a few others) aren't allowed to contain dots.




Language:JavaScript 46.8%Language:Shell 29.4%Language:Java 12.4%Language:Dockerfile 11.3%