andrecronje / evm-lite-client

EVM-Lite Wallet and Javascript client libraries

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EVM-Lite Client (Javascript)

A Javascript client library and Command Line Interface to interact with EVM-Lite.

Table of Contents


To start any of the installation process you will need to install Node and NPM which both come packaged with the installation from the Node website.

This project was built with Node version:

$ node -v


and NPM version:

$ npm -v



To install all Client and CLI dependencies along with the symlink run:

$ make

To clean all of the steps from the make command run:

$ make clean

This removes all dependencies for Client and CLI and also removes the symlink.

If the make was successful you should now be able to run:

$ evmlc

  A Command Line Interface to interact with EVM-Lite.

  Current Data Directory: [...]/.evmlc


    help [command...]                 Provides help for a given command.
    exit                              Exits application.
    config view                       Output current configuration file as JSON.
    config set [options]              Set values of the configuration inside the data directory.
    accounts create [options]         Allows you to create and encrypt accounts locally. Created accounts will either be placed in the keystore folder inside the data directory provided by the global --datadir, -d flag or if no flag is provided, in the keystore
                                      specified in the configuration file.
    accounts list [options]           List all accounts in the local keystore directory provided by the configuration file. This command will also get a balance and nonce for all the accounts from the node if a valid connection is established.
    accounts get [options] [address]  Gets account balance and nonce from a node with a valid connection.
    interactive                       Enter into interactive mode with data directory provided by --datadir, -d or default.
    transfer [options]                Initiate a transfer of token(s) to an address. Default values for gas and gas prices are set in the configuration file.
    info [options]                    Testing purposes.


Client Library

  • json-bigint: Used to parse big integers.
  • solc: Solidity compiler used to compile Solidity code.
  • web3: The Ethereum web3.js library.
  • web3-eth-accounts: The standalone web3 library for managing accounts.
"dependencies": {
    "json-bigint": "^0.3.0",
    "solc": "^0.4.24",
    "web3": "github:ethereum/web3.js",
    "web3-eth-accounts": "^1.0.0-beta.26"

Command Line Interface

  • ascii-table: Used to create ASCII tables.
  • chalk: Command line formatting.
  • commander: API to build the command line interface.
  • inquirer: Used create interactive commands.
  • json-bigint: Used to parse big integers.
  • mkdirp: Used to recursively create directories.
  • toml: Used to parse TOML to JSON.
  • tomlify-j0.4: Used to parse JSON to TOML.
  • vorpal: Provides API to build interactive command line interfaces.
"dependencies": {
    "ascii-table": "0.0.9",
    "chalk": "^2.4.1",
    "commander": "^2.18.0",
    "inquirer": "latest",
    "json-bigint": "^0.3.0",
    "mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
    "toml": "^2.3.3",
    "tomlify-j0.4": "^3.0.0",
    "vorpal": "^1.12.0"


The easiest way to change configuration file through the CLI is enter interactive mode. Which can be done with the interactive or i command:

$ evmlc interactive
  _______     ____  __       _     _ _          ____ _     ___
 | ____\ \   / /  \/  |     | |   (_) |_ ___   / ___| |   |_ _|
 |  _|  \ \ / /| |\/| |_____| |   | | __/ _ \ | |   | |    | |
 | |___  \ V / | |  | |_____| |___| | ||  __/ | |___| |___ | |
 |_____|  \_/  |_|  |_|     |_____|_|\__\___|  \____|_____|___|

Entered interactive mode with configuration file: [...]/.evmlc/config/config.toml

Now running config view or c v, will show you the default configuration as JSON.

evmlc$ config view

host = ""
port = "8080"

from = ""
gas = 0.0
gasPrice = 0.0

To change default config values run config set or c s. You will be taken to an interactive prompt to change connection and default values.

evmlc$ config set

? Host:
? Port:  8080
? Default From Address:
? Default Gas:  0
? Default Gas Price:  0

Configuration Settings

The default config file path is ~/.evmlc/config.toml with configuration:

host = ""
port = "8080"

from = ""
gas = 0.0
gasPrice = 0.0

keystore = "~/.evmlc/keystore"
password = "~/.evmlc/pwd.txt"


By default all commands will output raw JSON unless -f, --formatted flag is provided. A connection to the node is not required unless stated in each command.

The global flag -d, --datadir will allow you to provide a data directory path where your keystore, pwd.txt and config.toml will be generated if it does not exist already. Note that if this flag is not provided for any commands run, it will take the default data directory: ~/.evmlc


EVM-Lite Wallet and Javascript client libraries

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.2%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:JavaScript 0.2%