andreas-schwenk / pysell

pySELL - a Python based Simple E-Learning Language for the rapid creation of interactive and mobile-friendly STEM courses

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pySELL is a Python-based Simple E-Learning Language for the rapid creation of interactive STEM quizzes, with a focus on randomized math questions.

Compared to other solutions (e.g. STACK questions), pySELL has NO technological runtime dependencies, except katex for math rendering. Generated quizzes consist each of one self-contained HTML file. Theses files can be hosted on a web-server or imported to an existing LMS courses (e.g. Moodle via "file upload", or Ilias via "HTML course").

Student answers are not stored on servers, so pySELL quizzes provide an 100 % anonymous training. This is very well received by students on their first contact with new topics.

Teachers benefit from a simple to learn syntax. After some practice, even sophisticated questions can be generated with very little time investment.

If you are using pySELL in one of your (university) classes, I would love to hear about it! Write a mail with feedback / bug reports / feature requests to

As a member of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), I decided to publish pySELL as free and open-source software under the license of GPLv3.

User Guide

Download file from this repository. Only this single file is required. All other files are used for the development of pySELL.

Run python3 FILENAME.txt to generate a self-contained quiz-website FILENAME.html from sources in FILENAME.txt. You will find an example below, and more examples in directory examples/.

Also a file FILENAME_debug.html is created, which can be used for debugging purposes. The debug output differs to the release files in the following aspects:

  • The sample solution is rendered in the input fields
  • All questions are evaluated directly, for testing the evaluation
  • Single and multiple choice answers are displayed in static order
  • Python and text sources are displayed with syntax highlighting
  • The line numbers of the source file are shown for each exercise

If you like to use SageMath in your code, then run sage -python FILENAME.txt.

A short developer guide can be found at the end of this document.


Users: Only vanilla Python 3 is required to create basic questions. If you like to use symbolic calculations in your questions, then also sympy should be installed (pip install sympy). If you require linear algebra, for example numpy can be used (pip install numpy). For enabling plots, matplotlib is supported (pip install matplotlib). Also SageMath can be used.

Developers: Node.js + a local web server for debugging the web code (or alternatively install the recommended VS-code extension in this repository).


The following example code generates some questions, as can be seen in the figure. You may run the examples here.


python3 examples/ex1.txt

Files ex1.html and ex1_DEBUG.html will be generated. The latter file shows the sample solution.

Some contents of the example file examples/ex1.txt are shown below. Get the complete example file here:

LANG    en
AUTHOR  Andreas Schwenk

QUESTION Multiple-Choice
Mark the correct answer(s)
[x] This answer is correct
[x] This answer is correct
[ ] This answer is incorrect

import random
x = random.randint(10, 20)
y = random.randint(10, 20)
z = x + y
Calculate $x + y =$ %z

- Write 3 as a word: %"three"
- Write 7 as a word: %"seven"
- Write the name of one of the first two letters in the Greek alphabet: %"alpha|beta"

QUESTION Lists/Vectors
fib = [1] * 7
for i in range(2,len(fib)):
    fib[i] = fib[i-2] + fib[i-1]
fib3 = fib[3:]
Continue the Fibonacci sequence
- $ 1, 1, 2, $ %!fib3, ...

QUESTION Terms 2: Integration
from sympy import *
x = symbols('x')
f = parse_expr("(x+1) / exp(x)", evaluate=False)
i = integrate(f,x)
Determine by **partial integration:** \\
- $ \displaystyle \int f ~ dx =$ %i $+ C$ \\
with $C \in \RR$

QUESTION Matrices with Sympy
from sympy import *
A = randMatrix(3,3, min=-1, max=1, symmetric=True)
B = randMatrix(2,3, min=-2, max=2, symmetric=False)
x,y = symbols('x,y')
B[0,0] = cos(x) + sin(y)
C = A * B.transpose()
- $A \cdot B^T=$ %C

What is shown in the image?
(x) the pySELL logo
( ) the PostScript logo


This section describes the syntax of pySELL. Many aspects are self-explanatory and can be derived from the example file.


  • LANG defines the natural language, used in the few built-in output strings. Currently, en, de, es, it, fr are supported.

  • TITLE defines the title of the page. You may include HTML-code, but everything must be written in the same line, where the title-keyword starts.

  • AUTHOR defines the author/institution of the quizzes. You may include HTML-code, but everything must be written in the same line, where the author-keyword starts.

  • QUESTION marks the beginning of a new question. The title of the question is written into the same line.

  • # introduces a comment, i.e. text that is not considered by the compiler.


A question consists of a textual part, and optionally of Python code that generates random variables and calculates the sample solution.

Question text

All text shown to the student is written as plain text. Formatting options are as follows:

  • Italic text is embedded into a pair of single asterisks * (e.g. math is *cool*).

  • Bold text is embedded into a pair of double asterisks ** (e.g. math can be **challenging**).

  • Embedded code is written into a pair of accent graves ```.

  • Itemizations are preceded by -.

  • TeX-based inline math is embedded into a pair of $ (e.g. $\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ for $\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$).

  • TeX-based display style math is embedded into a pair of $$ (display mode in inline math can also be activated in inline math mode by writing e.g. $\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n i^2$).

  • Multiple-Choice questions are preceded by [x] for correct answers, or [ ] for incorrect answers, respectively. The text is separated by a space (e.g. [x] This answer is correct).

  • Single-Choice questions are preceded by (x) for the correct answer, and ( ) for incorrect answers, respectively. Only one answer can be true. (e.g. ( ) This answer is incorrect).

  • A line break can be forced by \\ at the end of a line (e.g. A new paragraph will start after this line. \\).

  • Static images can be included with !, following the path and optionally following the width in percentage (path and width are separated by :). For example, !myImage.svg:25 shows the image in path myImage.svg with a width of 25% (related to the question box). File paths are relative to the currently translated pySELL input file. If the width is omitted, 100% is assumed. Supported image formats are svg, png, and jpg. Note that image data is directly embedded into the output files, so you do not need to publish them separately. You should care about the file size of images! Usually, svg files are very small for vector graphics (hint: use the tool pdf2svg to generate SVG-files from PDF-files. The latter can e.g. be generated by tikZ). For dynamic plots via matplotlib, read the next section.

Question code

To generate randomized variables, arbitrary Python-Code can be evaluated (this is secure, since the code is executed only locally on the teachers computer).

For each question that includes randomization (the compiler checks, if your Python code contains the string rand), 5 distinct instances are drawn. If you use a bad randomization, some instances may be equal. In case that you won't use random numbers, there will be only one instance.

  • Python code is embedded into a pair of """. The triple-quotations must be written in distinct lines, without any other characters in these lines. Python code must be provided before its variables are accessed in the textual part.

  • Variables denoted in math mode are replaced by its actual values (the execution environment randomly chooses one of the 5 instances). This behavior can be suppressed by embedding the variable name into double quotes (e.g. write "x" instead of just x).

    Warning: Variable names with underscore (e.g. x_1) are not allowed, since the underscore would be ambiguous in TeX.

  • Input fields are generated by %, followed by the referred variable name. The structure of the input field depends on the variable type of the variable (int, set, numpy.array, ...). If the variable is non-scalar, parentheses (or brackets, or braces) will be rendered around vectors/sets/... To suppress theses parentheses, write %!, followed by the variable name. This is e.g. used in the Fibonacci example in the example file. Example: The answer is %answer.

  • In general, variables can only be accessed within math mode (i.e. in $...$). If you like to use Python-generated variables of type str (strings) seamlessly in the question text, use the ampersand operator &, followed by the variable name in text mode. Example: Today I feel &mood.

  • For asking gap questions, use %, followed the expected word(s), embedded into double quotes (e.g. %"three"). If you like to accept more than one answer, separate the words by the pipe operator |. Example: %"three|tres|trois|tre".

  • Dynamic gaps can be created with Python code. Just generate a string variable (e.g. answer = "three|tres") and ask it exactly as for number inputs (e.g. %answer)

  • For static or dynamic plots, refer to the Plot example in the examples. pySELL supports using matplotlib.

Hint: if a question as no input fields, the evaluation button is not shown.

Important notes

  • Consider to exclude Python variables from the output. For example, matplotlib requires to define axes. The $x$-vector x = np.linspace(-10,10,1000) has length 1000. pySELL will write that to the question database by default, so you should write del x at the end of your Python code, to exclude x.

  • In general, you may import arbitrary Python libraries. pySELL will do its best to map data types to internal data types (e.g. some commonly used sage data types are mapped). For all unimplemented types, the variable is considered to be a term and the value is exported by str(my_var). This may work, or may not. Feel free to ask the author of pySELL to extend support of missing/exotic data types.

Hints on generating random variables

Note: also read about the custom function rangeZ, to exclude the zero from a range, below.

Read the docs:


Draw a random integer a from {-2,-1,...,5}:

import random
a = random.randint(-2,5)
# equivalent:
a = random.choice(range(-2,5+1))

The examples explicitly write +1 to clarify that the upper bound is not included.

Choose a random number a from set {2,3,5,7}:

import random
a = random.choice([2,3,5,7])

Note that the parameter is actually a list.

Draw 3 random integers a, b, c from {-2,-1,...,5} with replacement:

import random
# store in a, b, c
[a,b,c] = random.choices(range(-2,5+1),k=3)
# store as array x
x = random.choices(range(-2,5+1),k=3)

Note that the upper bound of range is excluded.

Draw 3 unique (i.e. without replacement) random integers a, b, c from {-2,-1,...,5}:

import random
# store in scalar variables a, b, c
[a,b,c] = random.sample(range(-2,5+1),k=3)
# store as an array/list x
x = random.sample(range(-2,5+1),k=3)
# store as a set y
y = set(random.sample(range(-2,5+1),k=3))

Note that the upper bound of range is excluded.

Shuffle a list [2,4,6,8] (e.g. to get [6,8,4,2]):

import random
# in place shuffling
x = [2,4,6,8]
# one liner with immutable input
x = random.sample([2,4,6,8],k=4)

Generate a 2 x 3 matrix A with random integer elements from {-2,-1,...,5} using numpy:

import numpy
A = numpy.random.randint(-2, 5, size=(2,3))
# overwrite element A_{0,0}
A[0,0] = 1337

Elements are limited to numbers.

Generate a 2 x 3 matrix A with random integer elements from {-2,-1,...,5} using sympy:

from sympy import *
A = randMatrix(2,3, min=-2, max=5, symmetric=False)
# overwrite element A_{0,0}
x, y = symbols('x,y')
A[0,0] = sin(x) * cos(y)

Elements can also be terms.

Excluding the zero

In some cases, it may be beneficial to exclude the zero from random number generation. For example, a numerical question would be too easy to solve, if zero is drawn for a variable.

pySELL provides a function rangeZ that behaves syntactically similar to range, but excludes the zero.

Example to draw 3 random numbers a, b, c from {-2,-1,1,2,3} with replacement:

import random
# get a single random number
a = random.choice(rangeZ(-2,3+1))
# get 3 numbers with replacement (some of a,b,c may be equal)
[a,b,c] = random.choices(rangeZ(-2,3+1),k=3)
# get 3 numbers without replacement (a,b,c are distinct)
[a,b,c] = random.sample(rangeZ(-2,3+1),k=3)

Note that the result of rangeZ is of type list, while the built-in function range returns type range. This may be destructive in some cases!

Developer Guide

To debug (or extend) the web code, first convert an input file into a json file with the -J option enabled, e.g. python3 -J examples/ex1.txt. Then examples/ex1.json is generated.

Then start a local web server (e.g. using python3 -m http.server 8000) and open web/index.html (e.g. localhost:8000/web/, if your port number is 8000). The uncompressed JavaScript code in directory web/src/ is interpreted as module.

To update after any change in the JavaScript code, and run python3 in order to update variable html in file

Structure of the repository:

  • mainly compiles an input file to a JSON file. The generation of HTML output files can be found at the end. HTML/CSS/JavaScript template code is inserted by
  • builds and minifies the JavaScript code in path web/src/, inserts it into web/index.html and finally writes the self-contained HTML file into
  • docs/ contains the logo, as well as the showcase
  • examples/ contains example quizzes.
  • web/ contains the front end, i.e. HTML/CSS/JavaScript code.
  • web/index.html is (a) used for testing; in this case, JavaScript code in path web/src/ is loaded as module (b) used as template code for the final HTML insertion into
  • web/build.js is called by It uses esbuild to build and minify JavaScript code in path web/src/. Alternative build tools should also work without issues.


pySELL - a Python based Simple E-Learning Language for the rapid creation of interactive and mobile-friendly STEM courses

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 52.4%Language:Python 43.6%Language:HTML 4.0%Language:Shell 0.0%