Compare different bias related metrics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Compare different bias related metrics


pip install -r requirements.txt


Currently, we implemented four metrics, which includes multiple test sets. The four metrics are:

  • SEAT: On Measuring Social Biases in Sentence Encoders (LINK)
  • SteroSet: StereoSet: Measuring stereotypical bias in pretrained language models (LINK)
  • Stero-Skew: Stereotype and Skew: Quantifying Gender Bias in Pre-trained and Fine-tuned Language Models (LINK)
  • Weight Watcher: is an open-source, diagnostic tool for analyzing Deep Neural Networks (DNN), without needing access to training or even test data. LINK
  • Embedding Stero-Skew: our-own

To run all this metric on different models use:


Visulization (Parallel Coordinates)

Check the Parallel Coordinates HERE.

Correlation Plots

alt text

alt text



bert-large-A 0.212605 40.2582 0.30182 51.5653
albert-base-v2-A 0.954114 42.4767 0.625153 18.3567
albert-xxlarge-v2-A 0.964114 40.3126 0.227338 66.6663
bert-A 0.206581 30.6621 0.522885 2.17629
distilbert-base-A 0.597806 24.8182 0.510859 0.255103
bigbird-roberta-base-A 0.32823 48.3687 0.283724 19.2028
bigbird-roberta-large-A 0.52427 49.9503 0.293637 53.3816
electra-base-A -0.33938 59.2715 0.528422 3.20158
electra-large-A 0.0846175 45.757 0.293637 53.3816
electra-small-A 0.434103 43.1014 0.245059 63.344
mobilebert-A 0.320741 45.2265 0.558182 8.37135
deberta-base-A 0.537033 54.1031 0.714529 59.4253
deberta-large-A 0.39596 56.9055 0.31334 48.9353
mpnet-base-A 0.0790948 37.6795 0.909021 48.5118
roberta-base-A 0.577402 39.1982 0.961242 17.5118
roberta-large-A 0.43048 48.4027 0.399622 44.3825
squeezebert-A 0.423841 27.5023 0.564603 9.41863
xlm-roberta-base-A 0.299444 50.7881 0.6445 20.9219
bigbird-roberta-base 0.120121 33.5551 0.256421 2.94378
bigbird-roberta-large 0.246759 39.7349 2.33223 4.87686
conv-bert-base 0.346541 61.2557 1.10654 64.4379
conv-bert-medium-small 0.0553646 53.1988 0.504415 1.40565
conv-bert-small 0.274105 53.8287 0.295723 52.9226
deberta-base 0.503209 53.3127 0.424754 20.0563
electra-small -0.152407 50.1935 0.499372 2.42984
electra-base 0.396143 46.6014 0.586728 12.8677
electra-large 0.338071 64.0768 0.566235 9.68137
deberta-large -0.151416 58.652 0.767562 35.0887
deberta-xlarge -0.119582 51.1988 0.236414 64.9835
mpnet-base 0.242279 35.2778 0.715055 29.4229
mobilebert -0.170479 33.9413 0.788274 37.2037
squeezebert 0.344389 32.3521 0.829707 41.2643
bert-large 0.260135 36.0097 0.833716 41.6462
roberta-large 0.440252 34.604 2.29857 24.7641
albert-base-v2 0.708201 33.9084 0.764229 34.7425
xlm-roberta-large -0.440905 23.8859 0.291523 53.844
bert-base 0.678823 37.9824 0.79911 38.2867
roberta-base 0.768783 33.4985 0.82703 10.0769
albert-xxlarge-v2 0.140031 37.8482 0.665338 23.5604
xlm-roberta-base -0.313573 19.8099 0.419313 21.4985
distilbert-base 0.763151 31.0765 0.889996 46.8286

Metric class

To add a new metric, implement the following class:

class Metric(abc.ABC):
    """The base class for defining a metric.
        Extend this class to implement a custum bias metric.
    def __init__(self):

    def get_metric_details(self) -> MetricMetadata:
        """Provide meta-information describing the metric.
        The meta-information returned describes the metric.
          metadata: A MetricMetadata dataclass with all fields populated.
        raise NotImplementedError
    def evaluate_model(self, model, tokenizer) -> Union[ScoreData, List[ScoreData]]:
        """Evaluate a given language model and return the computed score(s).

            model: A Model that allows the task to interact with the language model.
            `ScoreData` or `List[ScoreData]` : single or multiple scores in return 
        raise NotImplementedError

Check an example at: metrics/


Compare different bias related metrics


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