andreabduque / early-modern-corpus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Data Format

Each book can is a csv file located inside files folder. The name of the file for each book can be found in the filenumber column in the metadata available. Each row from a csv is a word available in an unprocessed (standard) form, lemmatized or as a syntactic tag.


The authorship informationis described by the author column from the metadata. Multiple authors are separated with ; for example:

Fletcher, John; Ford, John; Massinger, Philip; Webster, John (?)

(?) indicates that the participation of the author in the play is not certain. Anonymous plays have anon. in the author column.

Obs: Sometimes lemmas and tags are not available because they were not present in the original XML from where the data was retrieved.
