andrasq / node-qtimeout

restartable nodejs timer

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status Coverage Status

Fast restartable nodejs timer.

For watchdog type timeouts that repeatedly cancel the trigger timer and restart with a new expiration time, it is much more efficient to restart an exiting timer than to cancel the timeout and set a new one.

If it can, qtimeout uses a native nodejs timer_wrap binding (a uv timer).


QTimeout = require('qtimeout');
var t1 =;

// invoke callback after 10 ms
timer1 = new QTimeout(callback).start(10);

// changed our mind, invoke it after 20 ms

function callback() {
    var t2 =;
    console.log("callback called after %d ms", t2 - t1);


setTimeout / clearTimeout   0.74 m / s      # new timer_wrap
setTimeout / clearTimeout   2.7 m / s       # existing timer_wrap

new QTimeout                1.1 m / s       # reusable timeout
qtimeout start / stop       25 m / s        # reuse timeout
    .start                  37 m / s
    .stop                   67 m / s


new QTimeout( callback )

Create a timeout object that will invoke the callback. The timout is referenced but not active (the trigger timer is not running).

start( ms )

Arrange for the timeout to trigger and call its callback after ms milliseconds. Starting an already active timeout will cause its timer to be reset for ms milliseconds from now; it will not trigger at the old timeout time.

stop( )

De-activate the timer by stopping the timer. This cancels its trigger, so the callback will not be called. Stopping an inactive timeout has no effect.

unref( )

By default, nodejs will not exit while a timeout is active. Unref removes this restriction from the timeout object so the timeout can be activated (started) without blocking program exit. Unref-ing an unref-d timeout has no effect.

ref( )

Undo an unref, make the program wait for this object's timeout to trigger before exiting. The program can exit once the timeout triggers or the timeout object is unref-d. Ref-ing a ref-d timeout has no effect.


The running property is true if the timeout was started, false if stopped. This is a read-only property; do not change.


  • a timeout can trigger up to 1 ms early, as if the internal timer counted elapsed millisecond boundaries, not true elapsed time
  • when nodejs is starting the uv timers may not track the elapsed time until node has finished initializing. A timeout started during the startup may trigger too soon by approximately 3/4 of the nodejs startup time ($ time nodejs -p 1).

Change Log

  • 0.9.4 - fix factory-style constructor call
  • 0.9.3 - ci testing, 100% unit test coverage, coverage buttons
  • 0.9.2 - readme edits, more benchmarks, fix package.json
  • 0.9.0 - first version, brought over from qlimiter


restartable nodejs timer



Language:JavaScript 100.0%