andrasq / node-qstats

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Simple Prometheus and prom-client compatible application metrics store. Simple, fast, very small, with minimal hand-holding or overhead. Compatible with prom-pushgateway.


Metrics are tabulated by annotated name, and persist until reported (except counters, which retain their counts). Name annotations are optional. Type and Help defintions are optional.

var qstats = require('qstats');
var metrics = new qstats.Metrics();

metrics.set('foo', 1);
metrics.min('bar', {color: blue}, 7);
metrics.min('bar', 'color=blue', 3);
metrics.define('bar', 'gauge', 'test value');;
// => "foo 1\n" +
//    "\n" +
//    "# TYPE bar gauge\n" +
//    "# HELP bar test value\n" +
//    "bar{color=blue} 3\n" +

Metrics Store

metrics = qstats.Metrics( )

Create a new metrics store. Each store is independent of the others.

metrics.reset( )

Reset all metrics values to their initial undefined unreported state.

metrics.delete( name, tags )

Delete the metrics stored by the annotated name. The name must be an ascii string without whitespace, the optional tags can be a string with comma-separated name=value pairs or a name-value hash.

metrics.delete('foo', 'a=2');
// remove the value of `foo{a=2}`, do not report it )

Report the values of all stored metrics. Metrics that have not been updated since last reset are omitted. Returns a Prometheus metrics report string. Most metrics are transient and are automatically cleared on report(), except counter types that must be cleared explicitly.

metrics.max('hit', {x:1, y:2}, 99);
// => "hit{x=1,y=2} 99\n" -- reported value

metrics.max('hit', {x:1, y:2}, 11);;
// => "hit{x=1,y=2} 11\n" -- report() reset the old, 11 is new max
// => "" -- no updates since last time, nothing to report

Metrics Values

metrics.define( name, type, help )

Define the # TYPE and # HELP information associated with metrics that have name. Types are e.g. gauge, counter. Help strings are free-form but must not contain newlines. Once defined, the Type and Help for name will persist until undefine()-d.

metrics.undefine( name )

Forget the definition of metric name, report the metric bare without Type or Help.

metrics.set( name, [tags,] value )

Set the reported value of the metric. Non-numeric values are ignored. The metric is stored under the annotated name generated from name and the key-value pairs in tags.

metrics.get( name, [tags] )

Return the current value of the metric, or undefined if never reported or deleted.

metrics.count( name, [tags,] [increment] )

Increase the current value of the metric by increment. If increment is not provided, adds 1 one to the current value.

metrics.min( name, [tags,], newValue )

Set the metric value to the lesser of newValue or the current value

metrics.max( name, [tags,], newValue )

Set the metric value to the greater of newValue or the current value.

metrics.avg( name, [tags,], newValue )

Average in newValue into the current value. Computes the arithmetic mean (the non-weighted average) of all values since the last reset.


  • 0.1.0 - initial version

Related Work

  • prom-pushgateway
  • prom-client



Language:JavaScript 100.0%