andrasq / node-miniq

slim serverless computing job queue

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Slim Serverless Computing Job Queue

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See also Quick_Queue in



{ id: string,
  type: string,
  dt: Date,
  lock: string,
  data: string|binary|null }
  • id globally unique job id, assigned when job is added. Encodes the ingestion time and daemon that received the job.
  • type job type identifies the procedure that will run the job
  • dt timestamp, used for scheduling
  • lock owner, used for scheduling
  • data job payload, a newline terminated byte string

Date and Lock

The job timestamp dt and and owner lock encode the job disposition: deferred, ready, running, abandoned, completed.

| dt | lock | state | | > now | '' | deferred: job not yet eligible to be run | | < now | '' | ready: job waiting to be run | | > now | sysid | running: job is being run by daemon sysid | | < now | sysid | abandoned: daemon sysid has stalled or crashed | | > 3000 | '__done' | done: job completed at dt - 1000 * YEARS, waiting to be purged |


Jobs are added by type and payload, get tagged with a system-wide unique id and are persisted to a fast local journal as | bar separated, newline terminated id|type|payload\n strings. The journal is consumed and saved to the job store asynchronously. Each job is guaranteed to be saved at least once (in case of error it's possible that a job may get re-saved. The store may, but is not required to, de-dup by id.)


The store holds jobs to be run. Running jobs are claimed (locked) by a damon. Locks are kept refreshed until they complete. An expired lock is a sign that the daemon stalled or crashed. The store also provides information about the job types waiting to be run, to assist scheduling. Jobs are added to and removed from the store as objects, no longer Journal strings.


The runner instantiates the procedures to process the job types, and feeds the procedure the job payloads. Jobs that crash are retried, otherwise the exit status is just logged. Each job is guaranteed to be run at least once (possibly more than once if the job or the runner crashes). Results are not propagated because jobs run asynchronously and there is no agent to deliver results to. Jobs can submit other jobs, though, and can thus deliver results themselves.


The app has just a few http endpoints:

  • GET /start - start or resume the queue
  • GET /stop - suspend the queue
  • GET /quit - close and exit the queue
  • POST /add?jobtype=&client= - add jobs to the queue. Each newline-terminated line in the post body will be a payload passed to a job of type jobtype.


Edit ./config/defaults.js to contain the shared defaults, with production settings merged in from ./config/${NODE_ENV}.js. A local development environment can change select configs with ./config/local.js. The default NODE_ENV is development.

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slim serverless computing job queue



Language:JavaScript 100.0%