andr83 / deliveryhero

Delivery Hero technical test task

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Delivery Hero technical test task


Create a restful API using any framework of choice, which provides an interface for restaurants stored in a database. The API should be self contained and easily runnable.

The exercise implemented on Scala 2.12 with usage only Akka, Akka HTTP, Circe, Lightbend Config and ScalaTest libraries.


Create a new restaurant.

URL: /v1/restaurants

Method: POST

Data Parameters in JSON:

  • name String
  • phone String
  • cuisines Array[String]
  • address String
  • description String

Success Response

Code: 200

Content: Restaurant entity in JSON format


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
  --data '{"name":"Kyubey","phone":"911","cuisines":["Japan"],"address":"Tokio","description":"The best!"}' \ 
{"id":1,"name":"Kyubey","phone":"911","cuisines":["Japan"],"address":"Tokio","description":"The best!"}

Error Response

If one of the required fields is missing:

Code: 400

Content: Error message

Update a restaurant by id.

URL: /v1/restaurants/:id

Method: PUT

Data Parameters in JSON:

  • name String
  • phone String
  • cuisines Array[String]
  • address String
  • description String

All fields are optional.

Success Response

Code: 200

Content: Restaurant entity in JSON format


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -XPUT \ 
  --data '{"address":"Kyoto"}' \ 
{"id":1,"name":"Kyubey","phone":"911","cuisines":["Japan"],"address":"Kyoto","description":"The best!"}

Error Response

If no restaurant by id is found.

Code: 404

Get restaurant by id.

URL: /v1/restaurants/:id

Method: GET

Success Response

Code: 200

Content: Restaurant entity in JSON format


curl /v1/restaurants/1
{"id":1,"name":"Kyubey","phone":"911","cuisines":["Japan"],"address":"Tokio","description":"The best!"}

Error Response

If no restaurant by id is found.

Code: 404

List all restaurants.

URL: /v1/restaurants

Method: GET

Success Response

Code: 200

Content: List of restaurant entities in JSON format


curl /v1/restaurants
[{"id":1,"name":"Kyubey","phone":"911","cuisines":["Japan"],"address":"Tokio","description":"The best!"}]

Delete restaurant by id.

URL: /v1/restaurants/:id

Method: DELETE

Success Response

Code: 200

Content: Removed restaurant entity in JSON format


curl -XDELETE /v1/restaurants/1
{"id":1,"name":"Kyubey","phone":"911","cuisines":["Japan"],"address":"Tokio","description":"The best!"}

Health check.

URL: /v1/healthcheck

Method: GET

Success Response

Code: 200


curl /v1/healthcheck

Build REST API service


sbt docker:publishLocal

It will build local docker image deliveryhero-test:0.1

Run REST API service in docker

docker run -it --rm -p "8080:8080" deliveryhero-test:0.1

REST API service configuration

By default service bind to interface by 8080 port. It can be changed via environment variables:



Delivery Hero technical test task


Language:Scala 100.0%