andr-ew / cartographer

norns softcut buffer space utility

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


divide softcut buffer space into arbitrarily nested recording and/or playback slices.


if you've ever thought "I wish softcut had more than two buffers" this might be for you


working with two buffer spaces in vanilla softcut is straighforward, but working with more independent "virtual" buffer spaces involves designing specialized data structures and specialized functions to re-scale that data & modify loop points without spilling into the next adjacent buffer space or unused silence. it all gets possibly messier once you decide to add a feature to reassign voices to different virtual buffers.


cartographer - a data structure utility for creating virtual buffer space objects (slices) that can be nested inside of each other. a slice may represent the acutal loop points of a softcut voice (when the slice has been assigned to a voice) and/or the outer boundries of another slice's loop points (or boundaries of boundaries). utilities are provided for creating groups of slices (bundles), assigning slices to softcut voices, manipulating slice points (in seconds or relative values), and convenience wrappers for working with the softcut buffers.



  • cartographer.buffer: a bundle of two mono slices for each softcut buffer.
  • cartographer.buffer_stereo: the buffers as one stereo slice.


  • cartographer.divide(input, n): divide the input slice(s) into n evenly sized subslices. returns a bundle of slices.
  • cartographer.subloop(input, n): create n subslices clamped to the input slice or bundle. returns a bundle or a single slice.
  • cartographer.folder(input, [path, ], max_length): load the folder(s) of samples into the input slice or bundle and divide based on sample length

voice assignment:

  • cartographer.assign(input, [voice, ]): assign the input slice or bundle to the softcut voice(s). two voices may be assigned to one stereo slice for stereo use.

setters & getters:

  • bundle:set_start(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>, <'relative' or 'absolute'>)
  • bundle:set_end(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>, <'relative' or 'absolute'>)
  • bundle:set_length(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>)
  • bundle:get_start(voice, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>, <'relative' or 'absolute'>)
  • bundle:get_end(voice, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>, <'relative' or 'absolute'>)
  • bundle:get_length(voice, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>)
  • bundle:delta_start(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>, <'relative' or 'absolute'>)
  • bundle:delta_end(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>, <'relative' or 'absolute'>)
  • bundle:delta_length(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>)
  • bundle:delta_startend(voice, t, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>): adjusts both start & end with better clamping
  • bundle:get_slice(voice): get the slice object stored in the bundle


  • bundle:phase_relative(voice, phase, <'seconds' or 'fraction'>): scale phase from phase_event
  • bundle:position(voice, value, units): set position relative to slice
  • bundle:trigger(voice): set position to the start of the slice (0)
  • bundle:clear(voice)
  • bundle:copy(voice, source_slice, fade_time, reverse)
  • bundle:read(voice, file, start_src, ch_src, length: <'destination' or 'source'>): read a file into the slice. last argument sets whether to keep the current length of the slice ('destination') or to set the slice to the length of the loaded audio ('source')
  • bundle:write(voice, file)
  • bundle:render(voice, samples)
  • bundle:punch_in(voice)
  • bundle:punch_out(voice)


  •[input, ], file number, file name): save bundle(s) to disk
  • cartographer.load([input, ], file number, file name): load save file to bundle(s)

simple example

--setup buffer regions

--available recording areas, divided evenly across softcut buffer 1
blank_areas = cartographer.divide(cartographer.buffer[1], 2)

--the actual areas of recorded material, clamped to each  available blank area
rec_areas = cartographer.subloop(blank_areas)

--the areas of playback, clamped to each area of recorded material
play_areas = cartographer.subloop(rec_areas)

--assign softcut voices to playback slices
cartographer.assign(play_areas[1], 1)
cartographer.assign(play_areas[2], 2)

for voice = 1, 2 do
    rec_areas:set_start(voice, 0, 'seconds')
    rec_areas:set_end(voice, 1, 'seconds')

    play_areas:set_start(voice, 0.3, 'fraction')
    play_areas:set_length(voice, 0.2, 'fraction')




download this repo to your lib/ folder or include it as a submodule. then, at the beginning of your script add:

cartographer = include 'lib/cartographer/cartographer'


norns softcut buffer space utility


Language:Lua 100.0%