andnils / measure

A project template using clojure and es6/react

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A project template for a clojure web application, with a postgresql DB and javascript+react in the frontend.



Either use the supplier docker setup, or setup your own environment.

Using Docker

  • Docker / docker-compose

To start the development environment, use:

docker-compose up
  • Containers

To enter a bash shell in the node container:

docker exec -it mnode bash

Find the IP address of the clojure container

docker inspect mclojure | grep IPAddress

Using locally installed stuff

  • Java 8
  • leiningen (clojure build tool)
  • node/npm (npm 5.7.1)
  • postgresql 10

Make sure that you set up a database, and enter you connection details in config/private.edn (there is a template you can copy named config/private.cfg.template). Note that private.edn is not meant to be put under source control.

Technical namedropping

React, eslint, webpack, babel for the front end. Postgres database. Clojure using Stuart Sierra's Component-library, and the standard Ring/Compojure libraries for http. Ragtime handles the database migrations. Jetty is the web server.


If you just want to start the backend server you can just:

lein run

If you plan on doing backend development, you should run it from the clojure REPL. Start the REPL from your IDE/editor, or run it in a terminal:

lein repl

When the REPL boots, load the dev namespace, run database migrations, and start the http server:

user> (dev)
dev> (db-migrate)
Applying 001-heroes
dev> (start)

When you've made changes to the (clojure-)code, call the reset function to reload the code:

dev> (reset)
:reloading ...

If you're using Emacs with Cider, bind the reset-command to a keyboard shortcut:

(defun clojure-component-reset ()
  "Reset the system."
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert "(reset)")

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-r C-r") 'clojure-component-reset)


Start with installing js dependencies:

npm install

Next, start the webpack dev server:

npm run serve

Now a browser window will open, serving files from dist-directory. The dev server will proxy all request where the path begins with /api to the backend server.




A project template using clojure and es6/react


Language:Clojure 65.4%Language:JavaScript 26.7%Language:Makefile 4.9%Language:CSS 1.5%Language:HTML 1.5%