anddrzejb / fluxor-persist

Fluxor-persist is a library to persist Fluxor states.

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Fluxor-persist is a library to persist Fluxor states.


Persisting states is a pretty common task .. in react I use redux-persist so this carries over some of the same ideas. Most often I use it to ensure a user doesn't lose their state on a page refresh or when leaving or returning to a site but this library has no blazor dependencies so it can be used anywhere.

Getting Started


You can download the latest release / pre-release NuGet packages from the official Fluxor-persist nuget pages.


The easiest way to get started is to look at the sample blazor app here(

To add Fluxor-persist to your existing blazor fluxor application you want to:

  • Add a NuGet package reference to Fluxor.Persist

  • Add .UsePersist() in Program.cs when building your existing Fluxor service with AddFluxor()

  • Make a class that implements IStateStorage to persist your state however you want. It just needs to be able to save and retrieve a string / string key value pair.

  • Override OnInitialized in your MainLayout to initialize your storage:

    Dispatcher.Dispatch(new InitializePersistMiddlewareAction() { StorageService = new LocalStateStorage(this.localStorage), RehydrateStatesFromStorage = true });

Detecting Rehydrate

You can detect that state has been rehydrated from storage. I use this in my MainLayout which inherits from FluxorLayout. In OnInitialized after I intialize the middleware to detect state restore and force a refresh:

        Dispatcher.Dispatch(new InitializePersistMiddlewareAction() { StorageService = new LocalStateStorage(this.localStorage), RehydrateStatesFromStorage = true });
        this.SubscribeToAction<InitializePersistMiddlewareResultSuccessAction>(result =>
            Console.WriteLine($"**** State rehydrated**");
            this.StateHasChanged();// we now have state, we can re-render to reflect binding changes

Example State Storage Class for LocalStorage

using Blazored.LocalStorage;
using Fluxor.Persist.Storage;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Fluxor.Persist.Sample.Storage
    public class LocalStateStorage :IStateStorage

        private ILocalStorageService LocalStorage { get; set; }

        public LocalStateStorage(ILocalStorageService localStorage)
            LocalStorage = localStorage;

        public async ValueTask<string> GetStateJsonAsync(string statename)
            return await LocalStorage.GetItemAsStringAsync(statename);

        public async ValueTask StoreStateJsonAsync(string statename, string json)
            await LocalStorage.SetItemAsync(statename, json);

Advanced Usage - BlackList, WhiteList

You can blacklist or whitelist state names to indicate if they should be persisted. Use only a blacklist or a whitelist not both. Regardless of settings, the states @routing and PersistMiddleware are never persisted.

Example: .UsePersist(x => x.StateBlackList= "mystate1,mystate2")

Advanced Usage - Persist only some state properties

You can attribute your state records so that certain fields do not get serialized. To not persist a 'isloading' flag for example:

    public record LoginState (
        [property: JsonIgnore] bool IsLoading,
        int CounterValue
        public LoginState(int CounterValue) : this(false, CounterValue) { }


Fluxor-persist is a library to persist Fluxor states.

License:MIT License


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