ancientlore / hashsrv

A web service that performs hashing, encryption, encoding, and compression.

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hashsrv is a web service that performs hashing, encryption, encoding, and compression.

Go Reference

A configuration file in TOML format is used to set up hashsrv, but environment variables and command-line options may be used as well.

Using hashsrv

hashsrv URLs are composed of commands that describe what to do with the given data. For instance, posting data to:


will calculate the MD5 hash of the posted data, convert it to hex encoding, and respond with the result.

hashsrv implements a simple processing engine that has a stack and a dictionary to store variables. Initially, the data posted via HTTP is pushed onto the stack. Most operations consume data from the stack and push their results onto the stack.

Additional arguments to operations can be placed onto the stack as literals. For instance, to generate 20 bytes of cryptographically random data and convert it to base64, use:


You should issue a GET request for that because no POST data is required.

Items in the URL that are not keywords are placed onto the stack. At the end of the list of commands, the stack should have a single value to use as the result of the request, or else an error occurs.

Named variables can be saved and loaded from a dictionary. See the load and save commands. The dictionary is initialized with HTTP headers that begin with Hashsrv- (with the prefix removed). So, to pass a variable called key into the dictionary, you can send an HTTP header called Hashsrv-Key.

As a convenience, the dictionary is initialized with the following values:

  • body - the original request body
  • key - initialized with a default key
  • A number of standard combinations that you can invoke with the call command.

Debug Mode

To output a debug view instead of the result, add ?debug=1 to the URL.

Try It!

Hash Functions

Command Stack in Stack out Description
md5 Data Hash Hashes data using MD5
sha1 Data Hash Hashes data using SHA1
sha224 Data Hash Hashes data using SHA224
sha256 Data Hash Hashes data using SHA256
sha384 Data Hash Hashes data using SHA384
sha512 Data Hash Hashes data using SHA512
ripemd160 Data Hash Hashes data using RIPEMD160
hmac-md5 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using MD5
hmac-sha1 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using SHA1
hmac-sha224 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using SHA2 224-bit
hmac-sha256 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using SHA2 256-bit
hmac-sha384 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using SHA2 384-bit
hmac-sha512 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using SHA2 512-bit
hmac-ripemd160 Data, Key Hash HMAC hashes data using RIPEMD160
md5-len 16 Returns the number of bytes for MD5
sha1-len 20 Returns the number of bytes for SHA1
sha224-len 28 Returns the number of bytes for SHA224
sha256-len 32 Returns the number of bytes for SHA256
sha384-len 48 Returns the number of bytes for SHA384
sha512-len 64 Returns the number of bytes for SHA512
ripemd160-len 20 Returns the number of bytes for RIPEMD160

Note: When using HMAC, it is customary to hash the key using the same hash function defined for that version of HMAC. You must do that yourself. For instance, when using hmac-sha256, the key should be hashed with sha256 and then used for HMAC.

Encoding Functions

Command Stack in Stack out Description
hex Data EncodedData Encode the data as hex
unhex EncodedData Data Decode the data as hex
ascii85 Data EncodedData Encode data as ASCII-85
unascii85 EncodedData Data Decode data as ASCII-85
base32 Data EncodedData Encode data as BASE-32
unbase32 EncodedData Data Decode data as BASE-32
base32-hex Data EncodedData Encode data as BASE-32 Hex
unbase32-hex EncodedData Data Decode data as BASE-32 Hex
base64 Data EncodedData Encode data as BASE-64
unbase64 EncodedData Data Decode data as BASE-64
base64-url Data EncodedData Encode data as BASE-64 URL
unbase64-url EncodedData Data Decode data as BASE-64 URL

Checksum Functions

Command Stack in Stack out Description
adler32 Data Checksum Compute the Adler-32 checksum
crc32 Data Checksum Compute the CRC-32 checksum using the IEEE polynomial
crc32-ieee Data Checksum Compute the CRC-32 checksum using the IEEE polynomial
crc32-castagnoli Data Checksum Compute the CRC-32 checksum using the Castagnoli polynomial
crc32-koopman Data Checksum Compute the CRC-32 checksum using the Koopman polynomial
crc64-iso Data Checksum Compute the CRC-64 checksum using the ISO polynomial
crc64-ecma Data Checksum Compute the CRC-64 checksum using the ECMA polynomial
fnv32 Data Hash Compute the FNV-1 non-cryptographic hash for 32-bits
fnv32a Data Hash Compute the FNV-1a non-cryptographic hash for 32-bits
fnv64 Data Hash Compute the FNV-1 non-cryptographic hash for 64-bits
fnv64a Data Hash Compute the FNV-1a non-cryptographic hash for 64-bits

Compression Functions

Command Stack in Stack out Description
snappy Data Compressed Compresses data using the Snappy algorithm
unsnappy Compressed Data Decompresses data using the Snappy algorithm
zlib Data Compressed Compresses data using the zlib algorithm
unzlib Compressed Data Decompresses data using the zlib algorithm
deflate Data, Factor Compressed Compresses data using the flate algorithm - stack contains a compression factor where -1 is default and 0-9 controls compression (0 is none, and 9 is the most)
inflate Compressed Data Decompresses data using the flate algorithm
gzip Data, Factor Compressed Compresses data using the gzip algorithm - stack contains a compression factor where -1 is default, 0 is none, 1 is best speed, and 9 is best size
ungzip Compressed Data Decompresses data using the gzip algorithm
unbzip2 Compressed Data Decompresses data using the bzip2 algorithm
lzw-lsb Data, Bits Compressed Compresses data using the lzw algorithm - stack contains the number of bits to use for literal codes, typically 8 but can be 2-8. This version uses least significant bit ordering as used in the GIF file format.
unlzw-lsb Compressed, Bits Data Decompresses data using the lzw algorithm - stack contains the number of bits to use for literal codes, typically 8 but can be 2-8. This version uses least significant bit ordering as used in the GIF file format.
lzw-msb Data, Bits Compressed Compresses data using the lzw algorithm - stack contains the number of bits to use for literal codes, typically 8 but can be 2-8. This version uses most significant bit ordering as used in the TIFF and PDF file formats.
unlzw-msb Compressed, Bits Compressed Decompresses data using the lzw algorithm - stack contains the number of bits to use for literal codes, typically 8 but can be 2-8. This version uses most significant bit ordering as used in the TIFF and PDF file formats.

Control Functions

Command Stack in Stack out Description
push Data Data, Data Duplicates the value on the top of the stack
pop Data Pops the value off the top of the stack (effectively discarding)
load Name Value Pushes a named value from the dictinary onto the stack
save Value, Name Pops a value from the stack and places it into the dictionary
swap Val1, Val2 Val2, Val1 Swaps the two values at the top of the stack
append Val1, Val2 Appended Appends the value on the top of the stack to the previous value on the stack
slice Data SliceOfData Slices the value on the stack, taking elements from start to end on the stack. Use -1 for values from the beginning or end. One example is /9/20/slice which takes elements 9 through 19, or /2/-1/slice which takes elements 2 through the end.
len Data Data, Length Pushes the length of the value on the stack in bytes onto the stack
left Data, Count SliceOfData Takes the leftmost bytes of data
right Data, Count SliceOfData Takes the rightmost bytes of data
snip Data, Pos Data1, Data2 Snips the data in half at the given position, resulting in two values on the stack
eq Data1, Data2 Fails the command unless the two data elements are equal
neq Data1, Data2 Fails the command unless the two data elements are not equal
call Name (Varies) Loads the named value from the dictionary and executes the commands contained there (formatted like normal - /md5/hex for example)

Crypto Functions

Command Stack in Stack out Description
rand Count Data Generates cryptographically random bytes given the count on the stack
aes-blocksize 16 Pushes the AES block size on the stack
aes-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts data using the given IV and 16-byte Key, placing the ciphertext back on the stack. Uses AES encryption and the CFB block mode.
unaes-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Decrypts data using the given IV and 16-byte Key, placing the plaintext back on the stack. Uses AES encryption and the CFB block mode.
aes-ofb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 16-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses AES encryption and the OFB block mode.
aes-ctr Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 16-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses AES encryption and the CTR block mode.
des-blocksize 8 Pushes the DES block size on the stack
des-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts data using the given IV and 8-byte Key, placing the ciphertext back on the stack. Uses DES encryption and the CFB block mode.
undes-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Decrypts data using the given IV and 8-byte Key, placing the plaintext back on the stack. Uses DES encryption and the CFB block mode.
des-ofb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 8-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses DES encryption and the OFB block mode.
des-ctr Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 8-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses DES encryption and the CTR block mode.
3des-blocksize 8 Pushes the Triple DES block size on the stack
3des-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts data using the given IV and 24-byte Key, placing the ciphertext back on the stack. Uses Triple DES encryption and the CFB block mode.
un3des-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Decrypts data using the given IV and 24-byte Key, placing the plaintext back on the stack. Uses Triple DES encryption and the CFB block mode.
3des-ofb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 24-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Triple DES encryption and the OFB block mode.
3des-ctr Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 24-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Triple DES encryption and the CTR block mode.
blowfish-blocksize 8 Pushes the blowfish block size on the stack
blowfish-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the ciphertext back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the CFB block mode.
unblowfish-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Decrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the plaintext back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the CFB block mode.
blowfish-ofb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the OFB block mode.
blowfish-ctr Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the CTR block mode.
blowfish-salt-cfb Data, IV, Key, Salt Data Encrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the ciphertext back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the CFB block mode.
unblowfish-salt-cfb Data, IV, Key, Salt Data Decrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the plaintext back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the CFB block mode.
blowfish-salt-ofb Data, IV, Key, Salt Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the OFB block mode.
blowfish-salt-ctr Data, IV, Key, Salt Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 1 to 56-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Blowfish encryption and the CTR block mode.
twofish-blocksize 16 Pushes the twofish block size on the stack
twofish-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts data using the given IV and 16, 24, or 32-byte Key, placing the ciphertext back on the stack. Uses Twofish encryption and the CFB block mode.
untwofish-cfb Data, IV, Key Data Decrypts data using the given IV and 16, 24, or 32-byte Key, placing the plaintext back on the stack. Uses Twofish encryption and the CFB block mode.
twofish-ofb Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 16, 24, or 32-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Twofish encryption and the OFB block mode.
twofish-ctr Data, IV, Key Data Encrypts or decrypts data using the given IV and 16, 24, or 32-byte Key, placing the result back on the stack. Uses Twofish encryption and the CTR block mode.

Notes on encryption

The initialization vector (IV) is used by many routines. It does not need to be kept secure, but it should generally be random and different for each different encryption run. It can easily be generated with the rand function. However, you need to keep it for decryption. It is customary to put it at the beginning of the encrypted data. These routines don't do that for you.

Each encryption routine supports several block modes. Some of the block modes are symmetrical - so you use the same function to encrypt and decrypt. Others are not.

Some routines require fixed key sizes, others are variable. Keys can be any data. It is usually considered more secure when these keys are relatively random or hashed.

On the todo list

  • Control - loop (to go through lines of text and do batch operations)
  • Specialized - protect, unprotect


URL Result
POST / Returns what you posted
POST /sha256 Returns SHA256 hash as binary data
POST /sha256/hex Returns SHA256 hash as hex encoding
POST /unhex/snappy/hex Decodes hex data, compresses it using Snappy, and encodes the result to hex
GET /Hello%20World/32/rand/md5/hmac-md5/hex Pushes "Hello World" on the stach, generates 32 bytes of random data as the HMAC key (which is then hashed with md5), computes the HMAC-MD5 hash, and converts the result to hex. Try It!
POST /MyKeyHere/sha512/hmac-sha512/base64-url Hashes the data with HMAC-SHA512 using the the sha512 hash of the key "MyKeyHere" and returns it as base64.

Running hashsrv

All you need is your configuration file and the hashsrv binary for your platform. You can run it manually or as a service on Windows or Linux (see below).

To test with the default configuration file and logging:

./hashsrv -run

To run in the background:

./hashsrv -run &

To keep it running after you log off:

nohup ./hashsrv -run &

nohup is a Linux utility that keeps a process going after you log off.


The only required files are the hashsrv binary and the configuration file. The hashsrv has minimal dependencies - just a few shared libraries that should already be on the operating system.

On all operating systems, you may override the configuration file location using the HASHSRV_CONFIG environment variable or the -config command-line option, which takes precedence. See below for where to place the configuration file when none of these are present.

The location of the configuration file is based on the location of the hashsrv binary. /usr/bin and /bin locations are replaced with /etc - so effectively, the configuration file is located in the etc folder that corresponds to the bin folder. If the binary is not in a bin folder, then the configuration file is expected to be in the same folder as the binary. Some examples are shown below.

hashsrv binary location Default configuration file location
/bin/hashsrv /etc/hashsrv.config
/usr/bin/hashsrv /etc/hashsrv.config
/usr/local/bin/hashsrv /usr/local/etc/hashsrv.config
/usr/local/bin/foo/hashsrv /usr/local/etc/foo/hashsrv.config
/usr/local/foo/bin/hashsrv /usr/local/foo/etc/hashsrv.config
c:\hashsrv\bin\hashsrv.exe c:\hashsrv\etc\hashsrv.config
c:\files\hashsrv.exe c:\files\hashsrv.config
/home/michael/hashsrv /home/michael/hashsrv.config

Running as a service

You can install the hashsrv as a service on Windows or Linux with Upstart. Use the -install and -remove options to install or remove the hashsrv.


On Linux, the -install option created a HashSrv.conf file in /etc/init. To start or stop the hashsrv, you can use:

sudo start HashSrv
sudo stop HashSrv

If the service doesn't start, most likely the configuration file has a problem.


On Windows, the hashsrv uses the Service API. Use the Service administration tool to start or stop the hashsrv.

Also, you will need to use the -run option if you want to run the application standalone (not as a service).

Environment Variables

Option Default Description
HASHSRV_CONFIG hashsrv.config (see above) Specifies the default location of the configuration file

Command-Line Parameters

Option Default Description
-addr ":9009" Address to serve
-config HASHSRV_CONFIG environment variable Use to override the configuration file
-cpuprofile Write CPU profile to file
-memprofile Write memory profile to file
-help false Show command help
-noisy false Enable logging
-install false Install hashsrv as a service
-remove false Remove the hashsrv service
-run false Run hashsrv standalone (not as a service)
-start false Start the hashsrv service
-stop false Stop the hashsrv service

Configuration File Parameters

Option Default Description
addr ":9009" Web server address


A web service that performs hashing, encryption, encoding, and compression.



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