ancatmara / ulster-project

Medieval Irish Narrative Visualised: a Network of Characters from the Ulster Cycle of the Early Irish Tales.

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Medieval Irish Narrative Visualised

The graph shows the co-occurrence of characters in the Ulster cycle. Every node corresponds to a character: the bigger it is, the more connetions the character has. Characters are connected with a link if they occur together in a window of size 5. The thickness of the link indicates how often these characters co-occur. Colours show the degree of each node.

An assignment for the Digital Humanities course at NRU HSE (2016).


Medieval Irish Narrative Visualised: a Network of Characters from the Ulster Cycle of the Early Irish Tales.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 80.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 8.6%Language:CSS 7.6%Language:HTML 3.7%