Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

********************************************** Web Development Project ********************************************************

					   //Extract the files from

_____________________________________________            Folder Structure         _________________________________________________________
	├── css/ (contains the css files)
	│    ├── bootstrap.css
	│    └── bootstrap.min.css   
	├──Database SQL File 
	|       └──── lifestylestore.sql (Database of the project)
	│		└─── deletedaccounts (This table stores name, email & reason of account deletion)
	│		└─── items (It contains all the available products )
	│		└─── messages (It stores the queries asked by user through contact us page)
	│		└─── users (It contains the details of users)
	│		└─── users_items (It contains the details of products added or bought by the user)
	├── Images/
	│    └── cameras (contains all pics of cameras)
	│    └── shirts (contains all pics of shirts)
	│    └── watches (contains all pics of watches)
	├── img/
	│    └── (contains images )
	├──  inc/	 
	│    ├── check-if-added.php
	│    ├── com.php
	│    ├── foot.php
	│    └── head.php
	├── js/ (contains Bootstrap Js files.)
	│    ├── bootstrap.js
	│    ├── bootstrap.min.js
	│    └── jquery.js
	|── aboutus.php
	├──  cart-add.php
	├──  cart-remove.php
	├──  cart.php 
	├──  contactform.php
	├──  contactus.php
	├──  del.php
	├──  delform.php
	├──  home.php
	├──  login.php
	├──  loginform.php
	├──  logout.php
	├──  orderhistory.php
	├──  products.php
	├──  settings.php
	├──  settingsform.php
	├──  signup.php
	├──  signupform.php
	├──  style.css (contains all css files used in this project) 
	└──  success.php


1.) Start the Apache and MySQL modules using the XAMPP controller.
2.) Open the phpMyAdmin and create a database "lifestylestore". 
3.) Import the lifestylestore.sql file present in the zip folder.
4.) Open the htdocs folder in the xampp folder. Copy paste the folder WDProject.
5.) Open the browser (chrome), type localhost/WDProject and you should see the home page of the website. 
	(For Ex: "http://localhost/WDProject/home.php")



