anandbn / mdata-docker

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MData - Docker image


Docker app for your respective platform

For Macs and Unix OS, ensure that the has execute permissions

$ chmod 744

For Windows:

<to be defined>

Start MData

To start mdata use the following command:

sh up

If you want to run all the mdata services as a daemon, run below instead:

sh up -d

Note: If this the first time, docker will download, Node, Neo4J and Redis images and it might take some time before the entire thing starts up. Subsequent times will be a lot quicker.

You should see in the logs on your console something like below:

Starting cache                ... done
Starting mdata-docker_neo4j_1 ... done
Starting mdata-docker_mdata-worker_1 ... done
Starting mdata-docker_mdata-web_1    ... done

Ensuring all the 4 services for Mdata are up and running

TO confirm all of the 4 services are running, execute the below:

docker ps

This should display something like below. The CONTAINER ID will be different.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                        NAMES
831bc254e7ef        node:latest         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago       Up About a minute>3000/tcp                       mdata-docker_mdata-web_1
cc2dbc4425b8        node:latest         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago       Up About a minute                                                mdata-docker_mdata-worker_1
8935adab5534        neo4j:latest        "/sbin/tini -g -- /d…"   10 minutes ago      Up About a minute   7473/tcp, 7687/tcp,>7474/tcp   mdata-docker_neo4j_1
0dba624f3a12        redis               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   10 minutes ago      Up About a minute   6379/tcp                                     cache

Shutting down mData

If you didn't run mdata as a daemon, you can simply kill the process Ctrl + C will do the trick in most OS platforms.

IF you started it as a daemon, execute below to shut down:

sh down

Accessing MData and kicking of an org indexing

Once you have successfully started the docker services, just point your browser to (http://localhost:3000/) and that should give you the main page to login to production or sandbox and the rest should be automated.

Accessing Neo4j Browser

Go to http://localhost:7474/browser

For the connection and username/password enter the below:



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