anair-it / openshift-plus

Openshift/k8s additional configuration for a microservice world

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Enhance Openshift/Kubernetes container platform

Boost your Openshift platform and take your microserivces to the next level of operability and visibility. These features are tested and proven on OKD and Openshift 3.10, 3.11

Minishift usage

Distributed Logging

Openshift has built-in centralized logging using Elasticsearch Fluentd and Kibana (EFK). This EFK stack uses older versions of Elastic and Kibana with no alerting and security features. OpenDistro Elasticsearch provides free alerting, monitoring and security features and can be installed on a commodity hardware outside of Openshift platform. Read more...

Distributed messaging

Distributed coordination

Apache Zookeeper is the distributed coordination component that is used by Apache Kafka, Apache Storm, Apache Nifi, Apache Hadoop and many more. Install Kubernetes compliant version with json logging and could that can be used by business applications as well. Read more...

Distributed Tracing

Trace traffic across microservices using Jaeger. Install using the jaeger operator

Distributed flow pipeline and service mesh

Apache Nifi can be used as the glue and backbone for all microservices. Nifi provides service mesh capabilities, transformers, security, dynamic throttling. Read more...


  • Deploy Grafana, Prometheus, Node-exporter, Push gateway to visualize metrics and set alerts. Read more...
  • Prometheus Operator


Openshift/k8s additional configuration for a microservice world


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