amoein / linn

An Erlang ring buffer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Linn is a process pool manager for Erlang/OTP.



Process pool like other pool like connection pool, but instead of connection, it keeps process.

Linn aims to provide an efficient process pool that distributes requests to all processes and handles back pressure.

One of the best places to use Linn is IO base operation.

Some example: linn_example


  • Pre Requirement: Use Erlang/OTP +18.

  • Step 1: Add linn to rebar.config.

{deps, [
{linn,  {git,  ""}},
  • Step 2: Make sure linn starts in your_app.erl:

start(_StartType, _StartArgs)  ->
  • Step 3:
rebar3 deps


First of all you should include linn/include/linn.hrl in your module like this:


Add new pool

For add new pool you should use linn:add_pool:

{ok,  _}  =  linn:add_new_pool(#option{}),
  • Spec

    • #option{}: It's record define by linn contains:
    #option{ pool_id :: atom(),
            handler_module :: atom(),
            handler_func :: atom(),
            handler_func_arity :: tuple(),
            process_count :: integer()}
    • pool_id:

      It's your pool name and it's atom()

    • handler_module ,handler_func and handler_func_arity :

      There are simple MFA. for example:


      It is obvious to have process pool you should have process. your MFA should be start a process and return {ok, pid()}. for example a gen_serve this:

      - module(handler_module).
      handler_func(_HandlerFuncArity) ->
          gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).
    • process_count:

      Number of item in pool: non_neg_integer from 0

Get process from pool

For get process form pool you should use linn:get_process:

{ok,  Pid}  =  linn:get_process(PoolId),
  • Spec
    • PoolId: your pool id in option atom()

Version History

  • 0.2.0 (3 March 2023)
    • update ci config
    • Remove extra code
    • Improve performance on ets store
    • Improve test
  • 0.1.0(8 JUl 2019)
    • Initial Release


An Erlang ring buffer

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Erlang 97.6%Language:Makefile 2.4%