amoein / cessna

Erlang Socket Acceptor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Cessna is a lightweight, TCP based socket acceptor pool for Erlang/OTP.



Cessna aims to provide a simple and lightweight approach to accepting TCP while you have heavy loads. Mostly, It helps when you have live connections like a Chat or an AMPQ server. For example, try to imagine this scenario: While your server has a 100K socket connection, it goes down (for some reason like deployment) and gets back up; you face heavy socket accept requests concurrently.


  • Pre Requirement: Use Erlang/OTP +18.

  • Step 1: Add cessna to rebar.config.

    {deps, [
    {cessna,  {git,  ""}},
  • Step 2: Make sure cessna starts in your_app.erl:

    start(_StartType, _StartArgs)  ->
  • Step 3:

    rebar3 deps


First of all you should include cessna/include/cessna.hrl in your module like this:


For add new acceptor you should use cessna_sup:add_new_pool:

{ok,  _}  =  cessna_sup:add_new_pool(your_pool_name,  #option{}),
  • Spec

    • your_pool_name: It's your acceptor pool name and it's atom()

    • #option{}: It's record define by cessne contains:

      #option{type  =  tcp,
              port  =  8080,
              handler_module  =  your_server_socket,
              handler_func  =  your_server_function,
              number_of_worker  =  10,
              ips  =  [{0,0,0,0}],
              socket_option  =  [binary]}
      • handler_module and handler_func:

        There are simple MFA(minus part of A). The Arity part is an array contain [Socket :: inet:socket(), PoolPID :: pid()], for example:

         my_function([Socket , PID])->

        To get socket messages, you must provide a listening loop in your function. For more handy usage, it's better to be used on starting gen_serve like this:

        - module(handler_module).
        start_link([Socket, PoolPID]) ->
            gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Socket, PoolPID], []).
      • type:

        Currently it is tcp, but im ganna implement ssl soon.

      • port:

        non_neg_integer from 0 to 65535.

      • number_of_worker:

        Number of concurrent listener: non_neg_integer from 0

      • ips:

        Cessna can listen to multiple interface and ip for same port. array() :: [ip_address()]

      • socket_option:

        Erlang socket option. array() :: [socket_setopt()]

Version History

  • 0.2.1 (3 March 2023)

    • Fix bug in cessna_worker_tcp and cessna.hrl
  • 0.2.0 (2 March 2023)

    • Remove extra code
    • Improve documentation
    • Improve test
  • 0.1.0(8 JUl 2019)

    • Initial Release


Erlang Socket Acceptor

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Erlang 98.1%Language:Makefile 1.9%