provides a simple wrapper around SBCL’s built-in time
function to make it easier to parse and format the output.
(drakma:http-request "https://api.simplyrets.com/properties"
:basic-authorization '("simplyrets" "simplyrets")))
("Evaluation took:" "0.629 seconds of real time"
"0.190001 seconds of total run time (0.166667 user, 0.023334 system)"
"[ Run times consist of 0.030 seconds GC time, and 0.161 seconds non-GC time. ]"
"30.21% CPU" "158 lambdas converted" "2,133,683,041 processor cycles"
"1 page fault" "22,560,320 bytes consed" "")
- Cody Reichert (codyreichert@gmail.com)
Copyright (c) 2015 Cody Reichert (codyreichert@gmail.com)