aml7733 / angular-project-setup-lab-g-416

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Project Setup


  • Setup the directory structure for your Angular application
  • Create a basic Angular application


Setup your directory structure. From the root directory, the structure should be as follows. We've included two files for you - index.html and angular.js. You may need to move them around to get them into the correct place!

├── js/
│   ├── app/
│   │   ├── directives/
│   │   ├── controllers/
│   │   ├── services/
│   │   ├── templates/
│   │   │   ├── partials/
│   │   │   ├── views/
│   ├── angular.js
├── img/
├── css/
├── index.html

Let's create some files so we can have something pretty displayed in browser. No need to worry with what this code does yet, we will be covering it all very shortly!


Inside the js/app/ folder, create a new file called app.js. This file is very simple - it tells Angular that we want to create a new module. We can then reference that module later on.

Put this inside app.js:

  .module('app', []);


Next, go to js/app/controllers. Make a new file called MainController.js and put this inside of it:

function MainController($scope) {

Here we've defined the main controller for our app. No need to worry about the specifics just yet, we are going to look at Controllers in depth very soon.

Next, we need to tell Angular about our controller. Add this to the bottom of MainController.js:

  .controller('MainController', MainController);

Hello, your name!

Now, start a local server by running python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000. Preview your page at localhost:3000 (or using the Preview button in Nitrous) and you should see Hello, your name! Wow - our first small Angular application.

Have a play around with MainController.js and see what else you can do!




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