amkyp / WSIatScale

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


write_mask_preds/ Script

For running the forward pass and saving replacements to file run the following command with the additional optional arguments:

This script needs to to be ran from inside the write_mask_preds folder, to be consistent with running using the Dockerfile on Beaker.

python --data_dir ../../datasets/wiki-ann/wiki-ann/ --starts_with wiki --out_dir ../../datasets/processed_for_WSI/wiki/wiki000/replacements --dataset wiki --max_tokens_per_batch 16384 --fp16 --files_range 100-109 --model bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking

max_tokens_per_batch=16384 is the max power of 2 that fits in a single P-100 GPU.

Mentionable Optional Arguments

--iterativly_go_over_matrices: An alternative method for going over predicted tokens and writing to disk. This is less optimized for PyTorch. Deprecated.

--cpu: Run on CPU, requires only when running on a machine with GPUs.

--simple_sampler: For a basic sampler (If using this, remove max_tokens_per_batch and choose a batch_size that fits your GPU).

--fp16: Running with half precision. Using opt_level=O2.

--starts_with: file starts with string.

--files_range: important for datasets with a lot of files where I want to split it between processes. Script

This is accessed from Script

Run by streamlit run

First thing, create lemmatized vocab (~1 minute):

python WSIatScale/ --model bert-large-cased-whole-word-masking --outdir lemmatized_vocabs/

We want to index all words in the LM vocab with something like this (~5 minutes with 96 cpu cores):

python -m WSIatScale.create_inverted_index --replacements_dir /mnt/disks/mnt2/datasets/processed_for_WSI/wiki/bert/replacements --outdir /mnt/disks/mnt2/datasets/processed_for_WSI/wiki/bert/v2/inverted_index/ --dataset Wikipedia-BERT

Then we want to precompute clusters for all words (~1:30 hours with 96 cpu cores):

python -m WSIatScale.cluster_reps_per_token --data_dir /mnt/disks/mnt2/datasets/processed_for_WSI/wiki/bert/v2/ --dataset Wikipedia-BERT > cluster_reps_per_token.log 2>&1 &

Now you can start viewing results in

We want to find all instances of words by cluster (~8:30 hours with 96 cpu cores):

python -m WSIatScale.assign_clusters_to_tokens --data_dir /mnt/disks/mnt2/datasets/processed_for_WSI/wiki/bert/v2 --dataset Wikipedia-BERT --write_index_by_word  --run_specific_method community_detection --run_specific_n_reps 5

Finaly, we can find for each community its closest communities: (per method, n_reps ~2 minutes. so max ~12 minutes.)

python -m WSIatScale.look_for_similar_communities --data_dir /mnt/disks/mnt2/datasets/processed_for_WSI/wiki/bert/v2 --dataset Wikipedia-BERT

Or for CORD-19:

python -m WSIatScale.create_inverted_index --replacements_dir /mnt/disks/mnt1/datasets/CORD-19/scibert/replacements --outdir /mnt/disks/mnt1/datasets/CORD-19/scibert/inverted_index/ --dataset CORD-19

python -m WSIatScale.cluster_reps_per_token --data_dir /mnt/disks/mnt1/datasets/CORD-19/scibert --dataset CORD-19 > cord_cluster_reps_per_token.log 2>&1 &

python -m WSIatScale.assign_clusters_to_tokens --data_dir /mnt/disks/mnt1/datasets/CORD-19/scibert --dataset CORD-19 --write_index_by_word  --run_specific_method community_detection --run_specific_n_reps 5 > cord_assign_clusters_to_tokens.log 2>&1 &

python -m WSIatScale.assign_clusters_to_tokens --data_dir /mnt/disks/mnt1/datasets/CORD-19/scibert --dataset CORD-19 --write_aligned_sense_idx --run_specific_method community_detection --run_specific_n_reps 5


Manual intrinsic evaluation can be found in datasets folder.

Our Outlier detection dataset can be found in its designated project.

Senseful embeddings

The senseful embeddings are available to download in this link. For example, for the senseful_w2v.word_vectors-10epochs embeddings, please download both senseful_w2v.word_vectors-10epochs and senseful_w2v.word_vectors-10epochs-100dim-SG.vectors.npy files.

Then read the embeddings in the following way:

import gensim
print(gensim.__version__) # tested for gensim==4.3.1
embs = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load("/Users/matane/Downloads/senseful_w2v.word_vectors-10epochs-100dim-SG")
# array([-0.23907337, 0.13821346, -0.17623161, 0.576322, -0.58257973, ...], dtype=float32)



Language:Python 99.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%