amkorousagi / KOJ

KNU Online Judge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KOJ Overview

KOJ Introduction

KOJ is KNU Online Judge KOJ provide online judge system for academic lecture

KOJ Goal

  • provide student grade management/analytics platform for professor
  • provide adaptive feedback platform for student
  • provide log data analytics platform for researcher

KOJ Role

KOJ Architecture

KOJ ER Diagram

KOJ UI Flow Diagram

KOJ Feature Diagram

KOJ File Controll Structure

  • /media/file/(file id).(its extention) : original file

  • /koj/submission/(submission id) : copied files for submission

    • code : code text file
    • executable file : if compile language, executatble object file
  • /koj/testcase/(testcase id) : copied files for testcase

    • input/(input filename)
    • output/(output filename)
    • koj_stdin.txt
    • koj_stdout.txt
  • /data : backup for restarting docker containers

KOJ Directory Structure

│  ├─api
│  ├─controller
│  ├─lib
│  ├─logs
│  │  └─error
│  ├─middleware
│  ├─model
│  ├─file
│  ├─submission
│  └─testcase
│  ├─public
│  └─src
│      ├─Assets
│      │  ├─images
│      │  └─styles
│      ├─Components
│      │  ├─Button
│      │  └─Modal
│      ├─Layouts
│      │  ├─Footer
│      │  ├─Header
│      │  └─Sidebar
│      ├─Middleware
│      ├─Pages
│      │  ├─About
│      │  ├─Admin
│      │  ├─Code
│      │  ├─CreateUser
│      │  ├─DashScore
│      │  ├─DashScores
│      │  ├─Enrollment
│      │  ├─Home
│      │  ├─InitPassword
│      │  ├─Lab
│      │  ├─Lecture
│      │  ├─Lectures
│      │  ├─Login
│      │  ├─Material
│      │  ├─Materials
│      │  ├─Score
│      │  └─Scores
│      ├─Routes
│      ├─States
│      └─Utils
│  ├─model
│  ├─submission
│  └─testcase
│  ├─file
│  ├─model

Endpoint Reference

API Documentation

Getting Started

KOJ Environment

KOJ does not have to worry any environment or dependency issue.

KOJ is designed to run an independent Docker environement. Docker provides a containerization platform that ensures consistency and eliminates dependency issues across differenet OS.

Before Starting KOJ

  1. check if installing docker

  2. check if setting config files

  • back/config.js : export id, pwd, dbName, port, KOJ_URL
  • back/secret.js : export secret
  • front/.env : PORT, HOST
  • front/src/config.js : export BASE_URL, FILE_URL, CODE_URL, DOWNLOAD_URL, MEDIA_URL
  • koj/config.js : module.exports id, pwd, dbName, ip, port, KOJ_URL
  1. make key file
# in window, this step shoud be executed in docker container based linux
cd key
openssl -base64 756 > mongodb.key
chmod 400 mongodb.key
chown 999:999 mongodb.key
  1. open ports : 3011~3015
sudo ufw allow 3011:3015/tcp
  1. create user and initialize in mongo
docker compose up -d # for setting mongo
docker exec -it <mongo container id> bash
mongosh --port <mongo port>
use admin
    user: "yourRootId",
    pwd: "yourRootPwd",
    roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" } ]
    user: "yourUserId",
    pwd: "yourUserPwd",
    roles: [ {role:"readWrite",db:"yourDB"} ]
res.stepDown() # execute on primary node if error about not setting primary
db.getMongo().setReadPref('secondary') # execute each mongodb node
docker compose down # require restarting for applying options

How to Start KOJ

  1. check above "Before starting KOJ"

  2. build docker images with shell script included docker build and Dockerfile

  1. start running containers with docker compose
docker compose up -d

if window, use docker-compose


KNU Online Judge


Language:JavaScript 98.8%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:Shell 0.1%