A typing game, based on an old Amiga game of the same name that I dimly remember. This is an informal project developed together with my son to learn typing & game programming; things will be a bit messy :)
Music & sound effects on the dirtywave M8.
It's "playable" but the current typing "curriculum" is not very good; see the todo below.
= todo
- menu settings (speed, mission choice)
- make speed setting affect the right thing.
- adjust scores based on difficulty.
- add mothership event (n-key rollover?)
- show which keys need to be pressed?
- mothership sound effect.
- mothership graphics
- mothership explode?
- moship victory sound?
- add 'get ready' phase.
- add "approaching" sfx/riser.
- animate nonwords
- hand graphics - home
- hand graphics -- other keys
- victory screen score & progression message (high score, personal best, etc)
- 'crashed' display & message.
- defeat music. womp womp!
- display name of level / help text.
- High scores screen.
- Redo "lesson" curriculum / better word choices. (Shifts & capitals)
- Refactor how "profiles" work.
- game options screen
- help screen
- practice mode.
- targeting reticule graphic?
- victory fanfare
- persist scores
- add reverb to sound fx
- opening music
- figure out opening music loop point.
- better "shields" graphic.
- Convert all the sounds to ogg. (some are mono?)
- bug: riser sounds very quiet on cros?
= Scenes
- Title Sequence
- Menu
- Profile Save/Load
- Options
- Mission Select
- Training
- Game
- Mission Report
== Game context object
- Options/Settings
- Profile
- name
- missions completed & scores
- Mission config/ game scene info
- game scene results
nice pattern for audio? https://github.com/hajimehoshi/go-inovation/blob/main/ino/internal/audio/audio.go
see also: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/tinne26/edau#section-readme and https://github.com/SolarLune/resound
= Missions, one idea?
- f/j
- d/k
- s/l
- a/;
- df/jk
- sdf/jkl
- asdf/jkl;
- gh + home
- e/i + home
- rtyu + home
- qwe/iop + home
original missions:
- home row
- heo
- ti L-shift
- rw.'
- ng R-shift
- ucp
- yx,
- mz=
- bq?
- v"
- 0-9
- !@$#%^&*()-+
- word review
- sentences
- paragraphs speeds: fast, superfast, hyperfast
If no profile active at startup, default to instructions scene & next transition to profile management/enrollment s