amita-roy / Weather-App

This Weather App project is about asynchronous communication with promises or async/await and when to use them. In this project, I have used the API for weather data. The current weather information is displayed for any city that we enter.

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Weather App

In this project I have used the API for weather data. The current weather information is displayed for any city that we enter. Along with weather information, I'm fetching the air pollution data as well and displaying the quality of air from 1 to 5, Where 1 = Good, 2 = Fair, 3 = Moderate, 4 = Poor, 5 = Very Poor.

  • I have used default Stockholm as a default city for the first load.
  • I have used Axios to work with asynchronous data.
  • I have used momentjs for a date, time, and timezone conversion
  • Enter the city name to get the weather information.
  • Weather icons are also changing as per the condition of the weather and as per the day or night.
  • Temperature can be changed with the click of 'C' and 'F' to display in Celcius or Fahrenheit.
  • App background is dynamic, as image will change as per the weather condition in the city.
  • I will add loader functionality in future updates.

Main Page App

Built With

  • Javascript
  • openweathermap API
  • Axios
  • Jquery
  • Webpack
  • ESLint
  • Stylelint

Live Demo





  • Clone this repository with: "git clone" using your terminal or command line.

  • Change to the project directory by entering cd "weather-app" in the terminal

  • Next run npm install to install the necessary dependencies

  • Finally run the 'npm run build' and 'npm start' to start the application

  • 'npm run dev' is for building the project in development mode

  • 'npm run build' is for building the project in production mode

  • 'npm start' is for starting the server in development mode


Start server with:

    npm start


👤 Amita Roy


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License


This Weather App project is about asynchronous communication with promises or async/await and when to use them. In this project, I have used the API for weather data. The current weather information is displayed for any city that we enter.


Language:JavaScript 67.3%Language:SCSS 32.7%