amit-handa / fball-league

football league

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Server based on nodejs, koa(web framework), mongoose(ORM for mongo) supporting

  • REST : client/server communication
  • JWT : JsonWebToken for admin authentication

Live Example on localhost:9995


  • Public APIs: Expose Public APIs to get the following info


  • Admin APIs: Expose Admin APIs to get the following info

Please refer to the 'Testing' section for admin operations

  • Create/Update/Delete Tournament : /v1/league CRUD

    • cascade delete games, teams if league is deleted
  • Create/Update/Delete Games : /v1/league//game, /v1/game/ CRUD

    • check for league id validity during creation/updation
    • check for team league equality with game league validity during creation/updation
    • delete teamname updation through game updation
  • Create/Update/Delete Teams : /v1/league//team, /v1/team/ CRUD

    • check for league id validity during creation/updation
    • update team name in game docs during team updation
    • delete games if team is deleted
  • populate league info
  • Build a simple Server Side Batch Job to Read and populate Barclays Premier League or any other league tournament info feel free to use any available public data, or perform web scraping
#  using data from
# : X-Auth-Token: 75e849c09ea84724a4f30043b52e08e2
./script/insertLeague.js -y 2015  

TODO : automated testing



# edit server/config/config.js
node app.js


For PUT, DELETE, POST operations, admin user signin header need to be supplied. as follows:

-H 'authorization: bearer <auth-jwt>'

For the same, an admin user needs to be created, as follows:

curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/signup?pin=92111 -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "name" : "admin", "password" : "fl@123", "phone" : "9711993235", "roles" : ["admin"] }'

Once created, authorization response header can be received by signing into the server, as follows:

curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/signin -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "userId" : "9711993235", "password" : "fl@123" }'


  • get
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league?season=2016
  • create
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "name" : "Barclays Premier League 2016", "league" : "BPL", "season" : 2016}'
  • update
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/<league-id> -X PUT -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "name" : "Barclays Premier League 2016" }'
  • delete
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/<league-id> -X DELETE


  • get
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/<league-id>/teams
  • create
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/56974bb4cf59f89b231aebc7/team -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "name" : "Manchester United", "nickName" : "ManU", "site" : "" }'
  • update
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/team/<team-id> -X PUT -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "nickName" : "MANU" }'
  • delete
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/team/56969dfd5224d439173c5f7a -X DELETE


  • get
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/<league-id>/games
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/<league-id>/games?gametime=p|n&gamedate=<date>
p => past
n => upcoming

greater/less than the date (depending on <gametime>)
  games are order by date descending
  • create
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/league/56974bb4cf59f89b231aebc7/game -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "date" : "2016/01/16 20:00:00", "homeTeamId" : "569753bda6b8385c27bc45ed", "awayTeamId" : "569756afd378653f286d5fde" }'
  • update
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/game/<game-id> -X PUT -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "date" : "2016/02/17" }'
  • delete
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/game/<game-id> -X DELETE


  • Add a user
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/signup?pin=92111 -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "name" : "admin", "password" : "fl@123", "phone" : "9711993235", "roles" : ["admin"] }'
  • sign in using the created user
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/signin -d '{ "userId" : "9711993235", "password" : "fl@123" }' -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  • signout
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/signout  (secured)
  • Update a user. In url provide Object id of user as returned in response by server while user creation.
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/user?pin=92111 -d '{ "password" : "ah@123" }' -X PUT -H 'content-type: application/json'
  • Delete a user. In url provide object id of user as returned in response by server while user creation.
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/user -X DELETE
curl -i http://localhost:9995/v1/user/<userid> -X DELETE

Debug the server

launch it as follows:

node-debug app.js

batch job to populate league data

populate barclays data

node scripts/insertBPL.js

Code layout



middleware config


Data models

refer ./fl-common/models


refer ./server/controllers


Server side simply utilizes generally accepted Koa middleware and Node.js best practices.

The Name

The project name is League Mgr


Copyright, Amit Handa


football league


Language:JavaScript 64.5%Language:HTML 35.5%