amirulzin / Pillar

Components for rapid Android development

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pillar for Android


This library provides a small but commonly used components in Android development.

The packages can also be mixed and matched.

To get started, add whichever packages below that interest you in your app build.gradle:

def pillarVersion = '0.3.2' //or any current version
compile "com.baseconfig.pillar:utils:$pillarVersion"
compile "com.baseconfig.pillar:materials:$pillarVersion"
compile "com.baseconfig.pillar:databinding:$pillarVersion"



Package: utils -> compile "com.baseconfig.pillar:utils:$version"

  • ContextUtils for pixels and dp unit conversion
    ContextUtils.getPixels(Context context, int dp)
  • NetworkUtils for checking internet connection
    NetworkUtils.isConnected(Context context)
  • RecyclerViewUtils for simple RecyclerView's ItemDecorations
    recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new RecyclerViewUtils.VerticalItemDecoration(context, 8f)); //8dp


Package: materials -> compile "com.baseconfig.pillar:materials:$version"

  • Official Material Design colors, prefixed with pmc
  • Utility colors, prefixed with pcc
    android:background="@color/pcc_shadow_32" //black with 32% transparency
    android:background="@color/pcc_highlight_25" //white with 25% transparency


Package: databinding -> compile "com.baseconfig.pillar:databinding:$version"

  • BindingItemAdapter<T> Generic RecyclerView adapter where T is your model object.
    public class PersonAdapter extends BindingItemAdapter<Person> {
        public BindingHolder<? extends ViewDataBinding> onCreateBindingHolder(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
            // This can be inlined but just for the sake of visibility
            ViewDataBinding vdb = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.item_person, parent, false)
            return new BindingHolder<>(vdb); //BindingHolder<T> is provided by this library
        public void onBind(BindingHolder<? extends ViewDataBinding> holder, Person item, int position) {
            // For below, you can just directly cast to the class generated by Android databinding.
            // However if you have multiple viewTypes, the example below show its usefulness 
            // since you can just check which generated binding was returned and bind accordingly.
            ViewDataBinding binding = holder.getBinding();
            if (binding instanceof ItemNovelBinding) {
                ItemNovelBinding b = (ItemNovelBinding) binding;
    ... then ...
    List<Person> list = ...
    adapter = new PersonAdapter();
    adapter.setCollection(list) //if init in onCreate   
    adapter.updateList(newList, diffUtilCallback) //if adapter init later in the UI lifecycle
    //optional helper to directly add on click listener to each list item
    ItemClickSupport.addTo(recyclerView).setOnItemClickListener( ... ) 

All components are provided as AAR libraries distributed via jCenter.


While pull request are greatly welcomed, please keep in mind the library are meant to be as a small set of utility classes and methods that is ubiquitously used within Android development.


  • Import from git, sync Gradle, and run Gradle build.
  • For testing locally:
    • gradle clean build install (or the wrapper gradlew. Android Studio Gradle tool window also works).
    • add mavenLocal() in root build.gradle dependencies:
    allprojects {
        repositories {
    • Change the library version in constants.gradle
    • Test implementation in separate module or project with the given gradle dependencies substituted with your own version

Note: Javadoc errors are ignored for now.


This library is provided under the MIT License.


Components for rapid Android development


Language:Java 100.0%