amirmms / govalidator

A simple, efficient, easy to use and robust golang validator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a Golang Validator package without any type assertion or reflection that provides data validation.


Go 1.13 or above.

Getting Started

GoValidator includes a set of validation rules and a handy check() method for defining any custom rule and You can use it to describe how a value should be considered valid.


Run the following command to install the package:

go get

govalidator examples:

  1. simple:

        type User struct {
            Name string `json:"name"`
            Age unit    `json:"age"`
        var user User
        _ := c.ShouldBind(&user)  // error ignored for simplicity
        v := validator.New()
        v.RequiredInt(user.Age, "age").        // age can not be null or 0
          MinInt(int(user.Age), 18, "age")     // minimum value for age must be 18
          RequiredString(user.Name, "name")    // name can not be null or ""
          MaxString(user.Name, 50, "name")     // maximum allowed charactars for name field is 50
          if v.IsFailed() {
              return v.Errors()  // will return failed validation errors
  2. with custom field names and messages:

         type User struct {
            name string `json:"name"`
        var user User
        _ := c.ShouldBind(&user)  // error ignored for simplicity
        v := validator.New()
        v.MaxString(, "first_name", "please fill first_name field") // with custom field name and custom validation message
       if v.IsFailed() {
              return v.Errors()
  3. advanced usage: You can define any custom rules or any flexible rule that does not exist in default validator package. Simply use check() method to define your desired data validations:

   type Profile struct {
       Name   string
       Age    int
       Score  int
       Status []string

   var profile Profile

   // after filling profile struct data with binding or other methods

   v := validator.New()

   v.Check(profile.Name != "", "name", "name is required")  // check is a method to define rule as first parameter and then pass field name and validation error message

   v.Check(profile.Age > 18, "age", "age must be greater than 18")

   // we just need to pass a bool as a rule
   // `checkScore()` is method that checks score validation rules and returns a bool
   v.Check(checkScore(), "score", "score must")

   // More Complex rules:
   // define a custom `In()` method thats returns a bool as result, e.g:
   func In[T comparable](value T, permittedValues ...T) bool {
	    for i := range permittedValues {
		    if value == permittedValues[i] {
			    return true

	    return false

   statuses := []string{"active", "inactive", "pending"}

   v.check(In[ProfileStatuses](profile.Status, statuses), "status", "status must be in: ...")

   if v.IsFailed() {
       return v.Errors()

more informations and cool things comming soon.


A simple, efficient, easy to use and robust golang validator

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%