aminulislam-ai / roadmap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AI Engineer Roadmap

Table of Contents

Interview Preparation

Technical Interview Handbook

Interactive Coding Challenges

7 github repositories to crack tech interviews by Analytics India Magazine

Coding Interview University

Computer Science Courses with Video Lectures tweeted by elvis

Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!

Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Data Science!

Tech Interview Handbook

বাংলায় প্রোগ্রামিং রিসোর্সসমূহ

Software Engineering : Interview Guide (Bangla)

Amazon ও Google এ চাকরির সুযোগ পাওয়ার প্রস্তুতি পর্ব by Sabir Ismail

Video tutorials for modern ideas and open source tools

Deep Learning Interviews

Data Structure and Algorithm

You Tube - Lecture of Abdul Bari on Algorithms

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python

All algorithms implemented in Python

Super Study Guide: Algorithms & Data Structures by Afshine Amidi, Shervine Amidi


Learning Python - Resource List

Python behind the scenes by Ten Thousand Meters

Python Terms

Corey Schafer - Programming Terms: First-Class Functions

Corey Schafer - Programming Terms: Closures - How to Use Them and Why They Are Useful

Corey Schafer - Python Tutorial: Decorators - Dynamically Alter The Functionality Of Your Functions

Object Oriented Programming in Python

Corey Schafer - Python OOP Tutorials - Working with Classes

Real Python - Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3

Real Python - Object-Oriented Programming in Python vs Java

Python Official Documentation on OOP

The Complete Python Development Guide

The Complete Python Development Guide

Git and GitHub

YouTube - Learn with Sumit: Crash Course - সহজ বাংলায় Git & GitHub - Bangla ( বাংলা ) Tutorial

Git Cheat Sheet – 50 Git Commands You Should Know

Ultimate Git Resource

Python Best Practices

You Tube - Real Python: Best Practices for Python Main Functions

Software Design

You Tube - Tech with Tim: An Introduction to Software Design - With Python

Design Pattern

বাংলায় ডিজাইন প্যাটার্ন

Design Patterns in Python

Head First Design Patterns Python

Python Design Patterns by Brandon Rhodes

SOLID Principles

SOLID Principles Visualization

SOLID Principles Implementation in Python

Linear Algebra

Blog - Introduction to Linear Algebra for Applied Machine Learning with Python

Scientific Python

You Tube - SciPy Tutorial (2021): For Physicists, Engineers, and Mathematicians

Machine Learning

ML for Beginners by Microsoft

Machine Learning Toolbox

Machine Learning Toolbox by Amit Chaudhary


10 minutes to pandas

Pandas Exercise

Pandas Workshop


Blog - Machine Learnig Mastery: Gradient Descent With AdaGrad From Scratch

Debugging TensorFlow Models

Beginners Guide to Debugging TensorFlow Models

Deep Learning with PyTorch by Sebastian Raschka

Introduction to Deep Learning

Notes on Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Notes On Using Data Science & Machine Learning To Fight For Something That Matters

Deep Learning

The data science and artificial intelligence terms you need while reading the latest research

Deep Learning Drizzle

Start Machine Learning in 2021 - Become an expert for free!

The Machine & Deep Learning Compendium

Computer Vision

Glossary of Common Computer Vision Terms

Image Classification using PyTorch

List of SOTA Image Classification using PyTorch

Object Detection and Tracking

Object Detection and Tracking in 2020

Object Detection by OpenAI's Lilian

EfficientDet - Scalable and Efficient Object Detection

Natural Language Processing

NLP Learning Series: Part 1 - Text Preprocessing Methods for Deep Learning

What are word2vec Embeddings?

NLP Learning Series: Part 2 - Conventional Methods for Text Classification

NLP New Lecture of 2021 suggested by elvis

Real Python - Natural Language Processing With Python's NLTK Package

Real Python - Sentiment Analysis: First Steps With Python's NLTK Library

NLP Course

BERT Fundamentals

Collection of NLP related Notebooks


Learning Docker


You Tube - Tech with Tim : Python FAST API Tutorial

Antipattern in Python

The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns


The Illustrated Transformer by Jay Alammar


Paper - A Survey of Transformers

Treasure of Transformers by Ashish Patel


BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers

BERT Main Paper

Jacob Devlin

BERT Presentation by Devlin

BERT Explanation Video by Devlin

Jay Alammar

The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. (How NLP Cracked Transfer Learning)

A Visual Guide to Using BERT for the First Time

Video Explanation on BERT

Code Emporium - BERT Neural Network - EXPLAINED!

Henry AI Labs - BERT Explained!

Aladdin Persson - BERT Paper Explained

Rasa - NLP for Developers: BERT

TensorFlow - Transfer learning and Transformer models (ML Tech Talks)

Codebasics - What is BERT?

Codebasics - Text Classification Using BERT & TensorFlow

Papers and Blogs on BERT

BERT Overview

BERT Explained: State-of-the-art language model for NLP

How the Embedding Layers in BERT were implemented

Tokenizers: How machines read

Google BERT NLP Machine Learning Tutorial

Use Cases

Understanding searches better than ever before


Code Examples on Keras and Tensorflow

Awesome Series

Awesome Deep Learning

Awesome MLOPS

Research Paper

How to Read More Research Papers? by Louis Bouchard

Medium Blog enlisting 4 papers on monthend

Four Deep Learning Papers to Read in each month

Paper Lists by Eugene Yan

Resources of Paper Lists

NLP Reading Group Papers

NLP Reading Summer21

NLP Reading Fall21

Reinforcement Learning

Videos - Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning by Pieter Abbeel

Slides - Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning by Pieter Abbeel]

Reinforcement Learning Course Materials by Oliver Wallscheid

DeepMind - Reinforcement Learning Lecture Series 2021


JAX Tutorial by Aakash Nain


Made With ML - MLOps

MLOps Basics

Links to add

Efficient Python Tricks and Tools for Data Scientists by Khuyen Tran

ML Projects
