aminkammoun / arwa-shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Shell

This is a basic implementation of a shell written in C.


  • Can execute basic commands such as ls, pwd, echo, etc.
  • Can handle command arguments and flags.
  • Can handle multiple commands on one line separated by ;.
  • Can handle standard input and output redirection using > and <.
  • Can handle background processes using &.

How to use

  • Compile the code using gcc shell.c -o shell.
  • Run the compiled binary using ./shell.
  • The shell prompt will appear, and you can enter commands as you would in a regular shell.


  • Does not handle pipes (|) or environment variables.
  • Only supports a limited number of built-in commands.
  • Error handling is minimal.

Future Improvements

  • Add support for pipes and environment variables.
  • Improve error handling.
  • Add more built-in commands.
  • Add support for command history and tab completion.

This shell is for educational purpose and not intended to be used as a production shell.
