amih / fractal_governance

Datasets, Jupyter notebooks and Streamlit dashboards for the fractal governance social experiments.

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Fractal Governance

Table of Contents


Datasets, Jupyter notebooks and Streamlit dashboards for Fractal Governance

The motivation for this repository is to advance the understanding of Fractal Governance. The datasets from our experimental apparatus will be of particular interest to data scientists, researchers and educators.

What is Fractal Governance?

The goal of Fractal Governance is lofty: incentivize people to collaborate in the production of public goods and services that also eliminates corruption and graft in the process.

The principles of Fractal Governance are described in the book More Equal Animals by Daniel Larimer, and the technical specifications for how to implement Fractal Governance at scale is defined in the fractally White Paper. This article presents an analysis of the initial results of the first group of people to govern themselves according to these principles and technical specifications.

These pioneers call their group Genesis and refer to it as a Fractal. The Genesis members meet weekly to mine the inherent value of their collaboration to produce public goods and services and return that mined value, tokenized in units called Respect, directly back to its members through a governance process that naturally prevents corruption and graft. This incorruptibility is the defining feature of Fractal Governance.

Fractal Governance directly and consistently rewards individuals for their recent past contributions towards the creation of public goods and services that also avoids the formation of Pareto distributions due to corruption and graft found in all other known forms of governance. Gone are the days of rewarding collusion with illicit gains (such as currency) from dishonest behavior or other questionable means.

Analogous to Bitcoin's Proof of Work consensus algorithm which rewards people for transforming stored energy, in the form of electricity, into an incorruptible public ledger of account, a collaboration of people governed in a Fractal nature also uses a Proof of Work consensus algorithm to reward people for transforming stored energy, in the form of human collaboration, into public goods and services.

The fundamental difference between the two consensus algorithms is in how rewards are allocated. The Bitcoin model allocates rewards called BTC tokens to those who consume the most electricity most consistently. The Fractal model, on the other hand, allocates rewards called Respect tokens to those who contribute the most value most consistently, as judged by their peers.

The Bitcoin consensus algorithm is prone to corruption and graft because it rewards those that obtain the most consistent source of electricity by any means whatsoever, illicit or otherwise. The Fractal Governance consensus algorithm, on the other hand, prevents corruption and graft by eliminating opportunities for collusion.

The nature of how the rewards from the Bitcoin and Fractal Governance systems are recorded is similar in that both systems use a blockchain for their public ledger of account.

You can immediately explore the Genesis Fractal dataset before returning here to continue your exploration. The dataset for this dashboard is curated by Gregory Wexler, Joshua Seymour and Matt Langston.

Getting Started for Data Scientists

I use my M1 MacBook with MacPorts for the steps labeled one time setup.

Step 1 (one time setup):

Install python 3.9 and pipenv. I do this using MacPorts.

sudo port install python39
sudo port select --set python3 python39
sudo port select --set python python39
sudo port install pipenv

Step 2 (one time setup):

Use pipenv to install the python dependencies. Run this command from the top-level directory of this git repository.

pipenv install --dev

Step 3 (optional):

Run the Streamlit app. This will run the same dashboard as Genesis Fractal dataset.

pipenv run streamlit run fractal_governance/streamlit/
open http://localhost:8501

Step 4 (optional):

Explore the Jupyter notebooks:

pipenv run jupyter lab

Step 5:

Start exploring our datasets, models and simulations. What follows is an example analysis of the Genesis fractal's dataset to inspire your own explorations.

Example Analysis of the Genesis Fractal


# 3rd party dependencies
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 2nd party dependencies
import fractal_governance.dataset
import fractal_governance.plots

from fractal_governance.util import GitHubMarkdownDataFrame

A Dataset of Multiple pandas DataFrames

Read the Genesis fractal's dataset into a Dataset object consisting of multiple convenient pandas DataFrames.

dataset = fractal_governance.dataset.Dataset.from_csv('../data/genesis-weekly_rank.csv')

List the attributes of this Dataset object to see what properties and methods we have to work with.

[attribute for attribute in dir(dataset) if not attribute.startswith('__')]

The curated raw data from the Genesis weekly consensus meetings is a pandas DataFrame accessed through the df property.

The other properties beginning with the prefix df_ are derived DataFrames from the raw data in the df DataFrame.

All other properties, total_respect for example, are interesting values calculated from the various DataFrames.

Let's have a look at the raw data df DataFrame from which everything else is derived.

Index MemberID Name MeetingID Group Rank TeamID TeamName MeetingDate Respect
0 1 00 Chace Eskimo 2 1 4 NaN NaN 2022-03-05 8
1 2 01 Debraj Ghosh 2 2 3 NaN NaN 2022-03-05 5
2 3 02 Nick Shock 2 2 2 NaN NaN 2022-03-05 3
3 4 03 Jimmy Lee 2 3 2 NaN NaN 2022-03-05 3
4 5 04 Abdulsalam Ridwa 2 6 1 NaN NaN 2022-03-05 2
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
389 390 dphillippi Duane Phillippi 12 6 5 NaN NaN 2022-05-21 13
390 391 tmess Toby Messier 12 6 4 3.0 Fractally in Orbit 2022-05-21 8
391 392 shakhruz Shakhruz Ashirov 12 6 3 2.0 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-05-21 5
392 393 drwu Doug Wu 12 6 2 2.0 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-05-21 3
393 394 drew-bop Andrew Ware 12 6 1 NaN NaN 2022-05-21 2

394 rows × 10 columns


DataFrame of Member Leaderboard

Inspect the first few rows of the member leaderboard DataFrame based on accumulated consensus Rank.

MemberID Name AccumulatedRank AccumulatedRespect AttendanceCount
1 dan Daniel Larimer 64 215 11
2 dansingjoy Dan Singjoy 63 189 12
3 wildwex Gregory Wexler 60 191 11
4 jseymour Joshua Seymour 54 143 12
5 novacryptollc Patrick Bernard Schmid 46 122 10
6 hachtu Mark Scheer 45 126 9
7 pnc Pascal Ngu Cho 42 89 11
8 douglasjames Douglas Butner 41 113 11
9 jaytaylor-node Jay Taylor 40 80 12
10 dphillippi Duane Phillippi 40 88 11

A Plots Object of Multiple Visualizations

Create a Plots object that contains interesting visualizations used throughput the remainder of our example analysis.

plots = fractal_governance.plots.Plots.from_dataset(dataset)

List the attributes of this Plots object to see what properties and methods we have to work with.

[attribute for attribute in dir(plots) if not attribute.startswith('__')]

Plot of Attendance vs Time

Plot the attendance vs time for each weekly consensus meeting.

The plot demonstrates that a relatively steady state has been reached where a core group of dedicated members is mixed with a steady stream of new participants as interest in Fractal Governance grows.



DataFrame of New and Returning Member Attendance vs Time

Inspect the DataFrame of the attendance counts of new members vs returning members for each weekly consensus meeting.

MeetingDate MeetingID NewMemberCount ReturningMemberCount
0 2022-02-26 1 10 0
1 2022-03-05 2 37 9
2 2022-03-12 3 12 26
3 2022-03-19 4 6 27
4 2022-03-26 5 8 25
5 2022-04-02 6 9 30
6 2022-04-09 7 4 29
7 2022-04-23 8 0 28
8 2022-04-30 9 1 28
9 2022-05-07 10 5 33
10 2022-05-14 11 4 28
11 2022-05-21 12 3 32

Average Attendees per Meeting

The average number of attendees per meeting.

Statistics(mean=32.83, standard_deviation=8.68)

Plot of Consistency of Attendance

Plot the consistency of attendance for the weekly consensus meetings. This is the total number of meetings attended by a unique member. The first bin counts the number of people who have only attended one weekly consensus meeting.



Average Consistency of Attendance

The average number of meetings attended by a unique member.

Statistics(mean=3.98, standard_deviation=3.61)

DataFrame of New and Returning Member Respect Mined (or Earned) vs Time

Inspect the DataFrame for the total amount of member Respect mined (or earned) for each weekly consensus meeting.

MeetingDate MeetingID AccumulatedRespect AccumulatedRespectNewMember AccumulatedRespectReturningMember
0 2022-02-26 1 99 99 0
1 2022-03-05 2 412 296 116
2 2022-03-12 3 356 76 280
3 2022-03-19 4 306 49 257
4 2022-03-26 5 306 66 240
5 2022-04-02 6 358 44 314
6 2022-04-09 7 306 14 292
7 2022-04-23 8 256 0 256
8 2022-04-30 9 258 2 256
9 2022-05-07 10 356 45 311
10 2022-05-14 11 304 12 292
11 2022-05-21 12 310 10 300

Plot of Accumulated New and Returning Member Respect vs Time

Plot the accumulated member Respect of the Genesis fractal vs time.



Total Accumulated Member Respect

The total accumulated member Respect integrated over all members.


DataFrame of Team Respect Mined (or Earned) vs Time

Inspect the DataFrame for the total amount of team Respect mined (or earned) for each weekly consensus meeting.

TeamName MeetingDate AccumulatedRespect
0 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-04-23 21
1 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-04-30 23
2 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-05-07 21
3 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-05-14 26
4 EOS Translation Foundation 2022-05-21 34
5 Fractally in Orbit 2022-05-14 29
6 Fractally in Orbit 2022-05-21 16
7 Team fractally 2022-03-26 118
8 Team fractally 2022-04-02 89
9 Team fractally 2022-04-09 89
10 Team fractally 2022-04-23 68
11 Team fractally 2022-04-30 84
12 Team fractally 2022-05-07 102
13 Team fractally 2022-05-14 63
14 Team fractally 2022-05-21 76
15 fractally francophonie 2022-05-21 8

Plot of Accumulated Team Respect vs Time

Plot the accumulated team Respect of the Genesis fractal teams vs time.



Total Accumulated Team Respect

The total accumulated team Respect integrated over all teams.


DataFrame of Team Leaderboard

The team leaderboard shows the the total accumulated team Respect for each team.

Team fractally 689
EOS Translation Foundation 125
Fractally in Orbit 45
fractally francophonie 8

Plot of Team Representation

Plot the fraction of members representing teams over time.



Average Team Representation per Meeting

The average team representation per meeting. This is the number of members in attendance that are members of a team divided by the total number of members in attendance.

Statistics(mean=0.24, standard_deviation=0.07)

DataFrame of Consensus Rank vs Attendance

Inspect the DataFrame for the accumulated consensus Rank of contributions as discerned by the Genesis fractal for each member.

AttendanceCount AccumulatedRank AccumulatedRespect Mean StandardDeviation
00 1 4 8 4.000000 NaN
01 1 3 5 3.000000 NaN
02 1 2 3 2.000000 NaN
03 1 2 3 2.000000 NaN
04 1 1 2 1.000000 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ...
wakeupjohnny 1 1 2 1.000000 NaN
wigglesthe3r 2 7 13 3.500000 0.707107
wildwex 11 60 191 5.454545 0.934199
willspatrick 1 1 2 1.000000 NaN
zhenek 1 3 5 3.000000 NaN

99 rows × 5 columns

DataFrame of Accumulated Consensus Rank vs Attendance

Inspect the DataFrame for the mean accumulated consensus Rank based on meeting attendance.

AttendanceCount Mean StandardDeviation
0 1 2.581395 1.331533
1 2 3.500000 1.905670
2 3 3.222222 1.855921
3 4 3.375000 1.539795
4 5 3.160000 1.572683
5 6 4.380952 1.637255
6 7 3.750000 1.776910
7 8 2.875000 1.147461
8 9 3.611111 1.572583
9 10 4.033333 1.129032
10 11 4.129870 1.584054
11 12 4.361111 1.376388

The mean accumulated consensus Rank is strongly correlated with meeting attendance.

GitHubMarkdownDataFrame(dataset.df_member_rank_by_attendance_count[['AttendanceCount', 'Mean']].corr())
AttendanceCount Mean
AttendanceCount 1.00000 0.67134
Mean 0.67134 1.00000

Plot of Attendance Consistency vs Rank

Based on this strong correlation, plot the change in Rank vs the number of meetings attended.



As the plot shows, on average members rank higher in subsequent weeks based on the number of past weekly consensus meetings they have participated in. Possible reasons for this phenomena include:

  • Over time members learn what their fellow members value and come into alignment with those values.
  • Over time members begin to imitate their higher ranked colleagues from watching how they conduct themselves.
  • There is a self-selection process going on. This is an interesting idea for further analysis.

Getting Started for Software Engineers

I use my M1 MacBook for software engineering, and the following steps reflect that architecture.

Step 1 (one time setup):

Install bazel on your PATH. I do this using bazelisk.

curl -LJO
chmod a+x bazelisk-darwin-arm64
ln -s bazelisk-darwin-arm64 bazel

Step 2 (one time setup):

Install buildifier on your PATH.

You need buildifier for linting and formatting the bazel files WORKSPACE and BUILD if you change them.

curl -LJO
chmod a+x buildifier-darwin-arm64
ln -s buildifier-darwin-arm64 buildifier

Step 3 (one time setup):

Install Xcode from the App Store.

Step 4 (one time setup; optional):

I needed to create the following symlink on my M1 MacBook.

pushd /Applications/
sudo ln -s MacOSX.sdk MacOSX12.1.sdk

This symlink was required to work around this error during bazel test //....

Compiling with an SDK that doesn't seem to exist: /Applications/ Please check your Xcode installation

Step 5:

Clone this repo and build all targets.

bazel build //...

Step 6:

Run all unit tests.

bazel test //...

Notes for Contributors

You are encouraged to collaborate and contribute to this project. Please ask questions and share your insights and discoveries in the Modeling and Simulation topic of

Please perform the following procedures before opening a pull request for this project. These manual procedures are temporary and will eventually be incorporated into bazel targets and enforced through CI.

Python Dependencies

The source of truth for this project's python dependencies is the Pipfile file. The following three files are derived from this Pipfile file and must be regenerated after changing it:

  1. Pipfile.lock
  2. requirements.txt
  3. requirements-dev.txt

This project's bazel repository, defined in WORKSPACE, depends on requirements.txt to define the python dependencies for bazel targets throughout this project.

The Streamlit app also depends on requirements.txt to define its runtime python dependencies.

Developer tools, like jupyterlab code formatters and linters, depend on requirements-dev.txt to define its runtime python dependencies.

The following procedure is how I update these three derived files after changing the Pipfile file. You will need pipenv for this step, so if you don't have this development tool installed then you may want to follow the steps labeled one time setup in Getting Started for Data Scientists.

pipenv install --dev
pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
pipenv lock --dev -r > requirements-dev.txt

Check that the README.ipynb notebook and Streamlit app still run by following the procedure in Getting Started for Data Scientists, and that the unit tests still pass by following the procedure in Getting Started for Software Engineers.

Format and Lint Python Source Code

Please use the following procedure to format and lint the python source code after making any changes.

find fractal_governance test -name '*.py' -print0 | xargs -0 pipenv run yapf -i
find fractal_governance test -name '*.py' -print0 | xargs -0 pipenv run pylint

Format and Lint Bazel Source Files

Please use the following procedure to format and lint the bazel source files.

find . -type f -name "BUILD" -or -name "WORKSPACE" -print0 | xargs -0 buildifier -lint fix


The source of truth for this project's file is the README.ipynb notebook. The following procedure is how I update the file after changing the README.ipynb notebook.

Step 1 (one time setup):

pipenv run nodeenv -p
pipenv run npm install -g doctoc

Step 2:

rm -rf README_files
pipenv run jupyter nbconvert --to markdown notebook/README.ipynb --output-dir .
pipenv run doctoc


Resources to learn more about Fractal Governance:

If you contribute new Jupyter notebooks then please place them in the notebook directory.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license as defined in the LICENSE file.


Datasets, Jupyter notebooks and Streamlit dashboards for the fractal governance social experiments.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 95.0%Language:Starlark 5.0%