amcgowanca / d8cache

Mirror of for development purposes.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Introduction - How does tag based caching work?

With Cache Tags it is possible to tag pages or other cache entries like 'blocks'
by using so-called cache tag strings. (e.g. node:1).

Then when the node:1 object is updated the tag is invalidated.

The d8cache module already supports cache tags for entities, menus, blocks and
search out of the box.

Getting started

To get started you download the module and enable it.

Then you need to configure settings.php:

$conf['cache_backends'][] = 'sites/all/modules/d8cache/';
$conf['cache_class_cache_views_data'] = 'D8CacheAttachmentsCollector';
$conf['cache_class_cache_block'] = 'D8CacheAttachmentsCollector';
$conf['cache_class_cache_page'] = 'D8Cache';

In this example both cache_views_data and cache_block are taken over by a
D8CacheAttachmentsCollector class.

Drupal 8 API comparison

* Cache::invalidateTags($tags) => drupal_invalidate_cache_tags($tags)

* onResponseListener() / $response->getCacheTags() => drupal_get_cache_tags()
* onResponseListener() / $response->getCacheMaxAge() => drupal_get_cache_max_age()
* onResponseListener() / $response->getCacheContexts() => [TBD]

* onResponseListener() / $response->addCacheTags() => drupal_pre_emit_cache_tags_alter()
* onResponseListener() / $response->mergeCacheMaxAge() => drupal_pre_emit_cache_max_age_alter()
* onResponseListener() / $response->addCacheContexts() => [TBD]

* CacheableMetadata::fromRenderArray($build) => drupal_get_cacheable_metadata_from_render_array($build)
* $build['#cache']['tags'][] = 'node' => $build['#attached']['drupal_add_cache_tags'][] = array($tags);
* $build['#cache']['max-age'] = 900 => $build['#attached']['drupal_set_cache_max_age'][] = array(900);
* $build['#cache']['contexts'] = 'user' => $build['#attached']['drupal_add_cache_contexts'][] = array(array('user'));

* $cache->set($cid, $data, $expire, $tags) => _cache_get_object($bin)->set($cid, $data, $expire, $tags)
* $cache->get($cid, $allow_invalid == TRUE) => _cache_get_object($bin)->get($cid, TRUE)
* $cache->getMultiple($cid, $allow_invalid == TRUE) => _cache_get_object($bin)->getMultiple($cids, TRUE)

Note: Calling code should check that the returned object from
_cache_get_object($bin) implements the DrupalTaggableCacheInterface, which is
the case for all D8Cache cache backends.

Which cache tags are invalidated by default?

While in Drupal 8 even a configuration change does invalidate certain cache
tags, that does make less sense in Drupal 7.

Code that is deployed should clear e.g. the 'rendered' cache tag


manually to refresh the cache. Alternatively a drush cc all will also continue
to be effective.

The cache tags in Drupal 7 deal only with 'content' not with configuration. And
users and menus are considered content here, too.

The line is drawn where things are edited live by content editors (not admins)
vs. things that should be deployed via features / in code.


The D8CacheAttachmentsCollector ensures that no procedural calls to
drupal_add_cache_tags() or drupal_set_cache_max_age() get lost.

In the future (once core support for it is included) this will also
automatically collect attachments from drupal_add_*() functions, which
will automatically collect assets like 'js', 'css' or 'library'.

This will make render caching in Drupal 7 easier than ever before.

The D8CacheAttachmentsCollector also has special code for the block
module to ensure its cache_get_multiple() support does not break the
asset collection.

The hope is that eventually large parts of D8Cache will become part of Drupal 7
core itself.

Once block cache and render cache in core are fixed, then the
D8CacheAttachmentsCollector will mostly be useful for views and panels to give
them the ability to collect assets as well.

Frequently asked questions

- Every content change expires all pages. How can I avoid that?

Unfortunately once you add e.g. a recent_content block to the sidebar, d8cache
will add a node_list cache tag, which is cleared whenever an entity of that type
is created, updated or deleted.

To avoid this problem you can implement hook_pre_invalidate_cache_tags_alter()
to remove the node_list cache tag:

   * Implements hook_pre_invalidate_cache_tags_alter().
  function mymodule_pre_invalidate_cache_tags_alter(&$tags) {
    $index_tags = array_flip($tags);
    if (isset($index_tags['node_list'])) {
The best way to expire your pages for node listings is to manually clear your cache tags.

- How can I specify a class to use as backend for D8Cache if my bin uses a
  different backend from the default?


  $conf['cache_default_class'] = 'Redis_Cache';
  $conf['cache_class_cache_page'] = 'DrupalDatabaseCache';


  $conf['cache_default_class'] = 'Redis_Cache';
  $conf['cache_class_cache_page'] = 'D8Cache';
  $conf['d8cache_cache_class_cache_page'] = 'DrupalDatabaseCache';

So the only thing needed is to prefix the usual 'cache_class_*' variable with

It is also possible to specify another default backend for D8Cache with
'd8cache_cache_default_class', which can be useful to add another decorator just
to the cache bins using the D8Cache backends.

Note that D8Cache is generally only useful for cache bins that store rendered

- How can I emit a custom header with cache tags for my special Varnish configuration?

You can implement hook_emit_cache_tags() and use drupal_add_http_header, e.g.:

   * Implements hook_emit_cache_tags().
  function mymodule_emit_cache_tags($tags) {
    drupal_add_http_header('Surrogate-Key', implode(' ', $tags));
- How can I react to cache tag invalidations?

You can implement hook_invalidate_cache_tags() like this:

   * Implements hook_invalidate_cache_tags().
  function mymodule_invalidate_cache_tags($tags) {
- How can I add a custom cache tag?

In the code that needs a custom cache tag use:


In case that you need to put it into a render array use:

$build['#attached']['drupal_add_cache_tags'][] = array(

- How can I avoid the block and page cache being invalidated when content changes?

Unfortunately core's internal block and page caches are invalidated when content
changes automatically. The reason is that those cache bins use CACHE_TEMPORARY,
which is cleared during cron runs.

The d8cache module has a built-in configuration option to avoid this and make
cache items PERMANENT instead. In your settings.php use:

  $conf['d8cache_cache_options']['cache_block']['ttl'] = CACHE_PERMANENT;
  $conf['d8cache_cache_options']['cache_page']['ttl'] = CACHE_PERMANENT;

to make all block and page caches permanent. To set them to 1 hour instead, use:

  $conf['d8cache_cache_options']['cache_block']['ttl'] = 3600;

Alternatively you can also use CACHE_PERMANENT (maximum) and then in your code


to restrict the max-age further down on a per block basis.

Note that this max-age is bubbled up to cache_page, but not for external
proxies like Varnish.

To emit a specific Cache-Control header based on the max-age set by the page, use:

   * Implements hook_emit_cache_max_age().
  function mymodule_emit_cache_max_age($max_age) {
    $page_cache_maximum_age = variable_get('page_cache_maximum_age', 0);
    if ($max_age == CACHE_MAX_AGE_PERMANENT || $max_age > $page_cache_maximum_age);
      $max_age = $page_cache_maximum_age;
    if (!isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
      header('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=' . $max_age);

- When does max-age "bubble up" to containing cache items and when does it not?

Due to legacy reasons neither a 'ttl' set via $conf in settings.php nor a time
set via 'expire' (e.g. via a time based views cache plugin) is taken as a
cache max-age value in the sense that it affects the whole page.

If you need this add:


in your code somewhere and every upper cache layer will be affected (except for
Varnish as stated already above).

- My question is not answered here, what should I do?

Please open an issue here:

- Is there more material to learn about cache tags and cache max-age?

The official documentation for Drupal 8 is the best resource right now:

The backported API for Drupal 7 should be as similar as possible. See also
the section "Drupal 8 API comparison" above.

- I want to use d8cache in my contrib module to expire my cache using tags
  how can I do that?

First of all you need to depend on 'd8cache' and then you should use:

  $cache = d8cache_cache_get_object('cache_mymodule');
  $cache->set($cid, $data, $expire, $tags);

While there is no function to set tags, using the cache object directly in this
way is the best way to achieve that.

- I want to use a different backend to store cache tags rather than the database?

The best way is to extend the D8Cache and D8CacheAttachmentsCollector classes
and use a trait to override the checksumValid() and getCurrentChecksum()
functions. Your module should also implement hook_cache_tags_invalidate().


Mirror of for development purposes.


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