ambirag / mobile-ci-grid

Towards CI for Mobile Testing

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Comprehensive End-2-End Steps for Mobile Automation

To successfully run automation on real devices (iOS / Android) using Appium


  • macOS Sierra (10.2.1)
  • Xcode 8.1
  • iOS 10.1 (iPhone 6 Plus)
  • Android 6.0 (Moto X (2nd Generation))
  • Appium 1.6.0-beta3
  • ScalaTest Framework

Pre Requisites

1. Install the following

Install xcode

`Go to AppStore -> Search 'xcode' and install'

xcode-select --install (accept the prompts,this is to install command line tools)

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

brew install npm

npm install appium-doctor

brew install carthage

brew install ideviceinstaller

npm install -g ios-deploy

npm install -g deviceconsole

npm install -g authorize-ios (For iOS simulators only)

2. Installing ios-webkit-debug-prox

brew install —HEAD libimobiledevice

brew install ios-webkit-debug-proxy

Making sure you device is connected to Mac

2.1 First just run `ios_webkit_debug_proxy` 

2.2 Output of the above command should be
  `Listing devices on :9221
         Connected :9222 to <Your Name> (40 digit UDID)`

2.3 How to cross check your UDID?
 2.3.1 Connect your iPhone to Mac, Open iTunes

 2.3.2 Click the phone icon 

 2.3.3 Click "Serial Number" multiple time until you see UDID

2.4. Exit the above command (CTRL + C or CTRL + Z) from step 1

2.5. Now execute `ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c <device udid>:27753 -d`

 2.5.1 You should see something like this
     ss.recv fd=3 len=294
     ss.recv fd=3 len=684

2.6. Leave it running.You have to make sure this works, otherwise you CANNOT run automation on a real device

Appium and Updates

3.1 Installing Appium git clone

3.2 cd appium

3.3 npm install

3.4 cd node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent (iOS specific steps below)

3.5 carthage update (This will update the depedencies from Carfile)

3.6 mkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle

3.7 sh ./Scripts/ -d

Deploying WebDriverAgent app to your device (iOS specific)

3.8 Open appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj in Xcode

3.9 ADD team name (You need to create a team in Note: If anyone can add clear notes here please do)

3.10 Choose the correct deployment target (your iPhone iOS version e.g.: 10.1)

3.11 Repeat this for “WebDriverAgentLib” and “WebDriverAgentRunner” in Xcode

3.11.1 WebDriverAgent XCode

3.12 Connect your iPhone to your Mac and choose it instead of a simulator

3.13 Build and it should be successful

Cross Checking the above setup is working

3.14 cd node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent

3.15 xcodebuild -project WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=<device UDID> test

3.16 You should see Listening on USB. Sometimes it takes ages for the test to run, then remove 'test' from above command line and run.

iPhone Setting changes

4.1 Open iPhone Settings -> Developer -> Enable “UI Automation"

Add support for Instrument Without Delay

5.1 git clone

5.2 cd appium-instruments

5.3 ./bin/ /Applications/ /Users/<username>/appium-instruments/


6.1 If you dont give UDID, it will open up the simulator to run automation

6.2 sudo authorize-ios

Running Appium

7.1 cd <path/to/git/clone>/appium

7.2 node .

7.3 refer step 2.5 - ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c <device udid>:27753 -d should be running as well

To run more than one instance of Appium

8.1 node . in one terminal

8.2 node . -p 4724 in another

8.3 Pass " to Android and " to iOS during webDriver creation

Run your automation

9.1 iOS: Now you can run your automation pointing to the Appium url with correct capabilities and UDID

9.2 Android: Use the same url, and the capability below to run

ScalaTest automation code with correct capabilities

var url = "" val remoteDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(url), appiumCapabilities("ios")) new Augmenter().augment(remoteDriver) }

`def appiumCapabilities(device: String = "iPhone 6 Plus", version: String = "10.1"): DesiredCapabilities = {`
`var caps= new DesiredCapabilities()`
`if (device.equals("ios")) {`
  `caps = DesiredCapabilities.iphone();`
  `caps.setCapability("appiumVersion", "1.6.0-beta3");`
  `caps.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 6 Plus");`
  `caps.setCapability("deviceOrientation", "portrait");`
  `caps.setCapability("platformVersion", "10.1");`
  `caps.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");`
  `caps.setCapability("browserName", "Safari");`
  `caps.setCapability("automationName", "XCUITest");`
  `caps.setCapability("newCommandTimeout", 5000);`
  `caps.setCapability("udid", "<your udid>")`
`}else if (device.equals("android"))`
  `caps =;`
  `caps.setCapability("appiumVersion", "1.6.0-beta3");`
  `caps.setCapability("deviceName", "Moto X (2nd Generation)");`
  `caps.setCapability("deviceOrientation", "portrait");`
  `caps.setCapability("browserName", "chrome");`
  `caps.setCapability("platformVersion", "6.0");`
  `caps.setCapability("platformName", "Android");`

  `return caps`


Running automation on a remote device

10.1 Ask your colleague to setup "Appium and Updates" and section 3,4,5 and 7.

10.2 Get his IP address and make sure its reachable ping x.x.x.x and you should get reply

10.3 Instead of, use http://<your colleague\'s ip>:4723/wd/hub

10.3. Make sure your capabilities are correct and now run your automation


Towards CI for Mobile Testing