ambarita93 / machine-learning-resources

A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries, courses, books and many more.

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Machine Learning Resources

A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries, courses, books and many more.
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Table of Contents

Free Books

  1. Python Data Science Handbook - Jake VanderPlas
  2. Pengenalan Pembelajaran Mesin dan Deep Learning (Bahasa Indonesia) - I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna
  3. Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning - David Barber
  4. R Programming for Data Science - Roger D. Peng
  5. Think Bayes


  1. Applied Machine Learning in Python
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Machine Learning with Big Data
  4. Applied Machine Learning
  5. Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics

Videos and Lectures

  1. Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
  2. Intro to Machine Learning by Eric Grimson
  3. Machine Learning Course - CS 156
  4. Machine Learning from Scratch using Python
  5. Gaussian Mixture Models - The Math of Intelligence (Week 7)


  1. Local algorithms for interactive clustering
  2. On Perturbed Proximal Gradient Algorithms
  3. Imbalanced-learn: A Python Toolbox to Tackle the Curse of Imbalanced Datasets in Machine Learning
  4. Nearly optimal classification for semimetrics
  5. A Bayesian Framework for Learning Rule Sets for Interpretable Classification


  1. A Simple Approach to Predicting Customer Churn
  2. Complete Guide to Topic Modeling
  3. K-Means Clustering in Python
  4. How To Implement Naive Bayes From Scratch in Python
  5. Twitter Sentiment Analysis with NLTK

Sample Code

  1. Practical Machine Learning with Python
  2. Data Science From Scratch
  3. Introducing Data Science
  4. Machine Learning with R
  5. Practical Data Science Cookbook
  6. Data Science with Python (Bahasa Indonesia) - Doni Rubiagatra
  7. Deep Learning with PyTorch (Bahasa Indonesia) - Doni Rubiagatra


  1. UCI Machine Learning Repository
  2. Kaggle Datasets
  3. IMDb Datasets
  4. Machine Learning Datasets Repository
  5. Caption Contest Data

Conferences (Mostly in Indonesia)

  1. Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi
  2. International Seminar on Intelligence Technology and Its Application
  3. International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems
  4. International Conference on Science in Information Technology
  5. International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, and Information Technology


  1. Scikit-learn
  2. Natural Language Toolkit
  3. XGBoost
  4. spaCy
  5. CNTK


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A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries, courses, books and many more.

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