amazon-science / BartGraphSumm

Implementation of the paper "Efficiently Summarizing Text and Graph Encodings of Multi-Document Clusters (NAACL 2021)"

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Efficiently Summarizing Text and Graph Encodings of Multi-Document Clusters (NAACL 2021)

This is the implementation of the paper Efficiently Summarizing Text and Graph Encodings of Multi-Document Clusters.


  1. This code is tested using Python 3.6, Pytorch 1.4, and CUDA 10.1

  2. Install Apex:

    • cd ~; git clone
    • cd apex
    • pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" --global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" ./
  3. Install nccl:

    • cd ~; git clone
    • cd nccl
    • make -j10 CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-10.1
    • sudo apt install build-essential devscripts debhelper fakeroot
    • make -j10 CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-10.1
    • sudo apt install ./build/pkg/deb/*.deb
  4. Setup fairSeq and import some files:

    • cd ~
    • pip uninstall -y enum34 # Prevent AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'
    • git clone --branch v0.9.0
    • mkdir ~/fairseq/models
    • cd ~/fairseq/models
    • wget ''
    • tar -xzf bart.large.tar.gz
    • cd ~/fairseq
    • wget -N ''
    • wget -N ''
    • wget -N ''
    • Download encoder-updated.json file from and put it under ~/fairseq
  5. Install NLTK and Spacy:

    • pip install nltk spacy more_itertools
    • python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
    • python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
    • python -m nltk.downloader punkt
  6. For ROUGE:

    • sudo apt-get install -y cpanminus
    • cpanm —force XML::Parser
    • cd ~
    • pip install -U git+
    • git clone
    • cd files2rouge
    • python
    • python install
    • pyrouge_set_rouge_path ~/.files2rouge
  7. Get PreSumm (for fast parallel ROUGE impl — note that this does not split summaries into sentences and therefore gives worse ROUGE-L scores than files2rouge)

    • cd ~
    • git clone
  8. Other:

    • mkdir -p ~/results
    • pip install rouge

Prepare Multi-News Data

  1. cd ~; mkdir data; cd data

  2. multi-news-500 (Preprocessed and truncated data):

    • Get it from original source and rename the folder as multi-news-500; Also, rename xxx.txt.src.yyy as xxx.source and xxx.txt.tgt.yyy as
  3. multi-news-full-clean (Preprocessed but not truncated):

    • Get it from original source and rename the folder as multi-news-full-clean; Also, rename the files inside this folder as follows: xxx.txt.src as xxx.source and xxx.txt.tgt as
  4. multi-news-full-raw (not processed and not truncated) -- This is only needed for graph construction in BART-Long-Graph models.

    • Get it from original source and rename the folder as multi-news-full-raw; Also, rename the files inside this folder as follows: xxx.src as xxx.source and xxx.tgt as

Code Setup

  • cd ~; git clone
  • cd ~/BartGraphSumm/src/fairseq
  • pip install --editable .
  • cd ../

Train and Evaluate

BART baseline

Try the following command to train and evaluate the BART baseline model on Multi-News-500 dataset

cd ~/BartGraphSumm/src
make -f TASK=~/data/multi-news-500 OUTPUT_DIR=~/results/bart-large-multinews-model1 rouge

The ROUGE F1 scores (R1/R2/RL) can be found at

cat ~/results/bart-large-multinews-model1/test.rouge-stdout | grep ">"
>> ROUGE-F(1/2/3/l): 49.22/18.88/23.88

The scores correspond to the numbers from BART (input length=500) in Table 4 in the paper.


  1. Create a longformer model
    • cd ~; cp -r ~/fairseq/models/bart.large ~/fairseq/models/bart.large.long
    • cd ~/BartGraphSumm/src; python --input_model_path ~/fairseq/models/bart.large/ --output_model_path ~/fairseq/models/bart.large.long/
  2. Create data of length 500 tokens:
    • cd ~/BartGraphSumm/src
    • python --data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-clean --output_path ~/data/multi-news-500-sentmarkers --max_length 500 --sentence_level_markers
make -f TASK=~/data/multi-news-500-sentmarkers MAX_TOKENS=1024 OUTPUT_DIR=~/results/bart-large-multinews-model2 rouge

The ROUGE F1 scores (R1/R2/RL) can be found at

cat ~/results/bart-large-multinews-model2/test.rouge-stdout | grep ">"
>> ROUGE-F(1/2/3/l): 48.54/18.56/23.78

The scores correspond to the numbers from Bart-Long in Table 1 in the paper.


  1. Create BART-Long model with additional encoder for encoding the graph information
    • cp -r ~/fairseq/models/bart.large ~/fairseq/models/bart.large.long.graph.linear
    • cd ~/BartGraphSumm/src; python --input_model_path ~/fairseq/models/bart.large/ --output_model_path ~/fairseq/models/bart.large.long.graph.linear/ --linear_graph
  2. Create the graph data and its linearized form
    • Create a new virtual env with pytorch 1.5 --> our graph construction code relies on latest allennlp modules which has pytorch 1.5 requirements. So, please follow the below setups in creating a new virtual environment
    • sudo apt-get install virtualenv
    • cd ~/; virtualenv -p python3.6 graph_env; source graph_env/bin/activate
    • pip install numpy allennlp==1.0.0 allennlp_models==1.0.0 networkx==2.4 matplotlib==3.3.0
    • cd ~/BartGraphSumm/src
    • python --data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-raw --output_path ~/data/multi-news-full-graph --split train
    • python --data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-raw --output_path ~/data/multi-news-full-graph --split val
    • python --data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-raw --output_path ~/data/multi-news-full-graph --split test
    • Load back the Pytorch 1.4 environment
    • Now create the data by concatenating plan text input with graph information for each sample in the multi-news dataset: python --data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-clean --output_path ~/data/multi-news-500-500 --max_length 500 --mode standard_with_graph_knowledge --graph_data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-graph --sentence_level_markers
make -f TASK=~/data/multi-news-500-500 MAX_TOKENS=1500 MAX_EPOCH=8 OUTPUT_DIR=~/results/bart-large-multinews-model3 rouge

The ROUGE F1 scores (R1/R2/RL) can be found at

cat ~/results/bart-large-multinews-model3/test.rouge-stdout | grep ">"
>> ROUGE-F(1/2/3/l): 49.03/19.04/24.04

The scores correspond to the numbers from Bart-Long-Graph (500 tokens graph text) in Table 1 in the paper.

To create the data with 1000 tokens for graph information: python --data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-clean --output_path ~/data/multi-news-500-1000 --max_length 1000 --mode standard_with_graph_knowledge --graph_data_path ~/data/multi-news-full-graph --sentence_level_markers

and train the model:

make -f TASK=~/data/multi-news-500-1000 MAX_TOKENS=2500 MAX_EPOCH=8 LR=3e-05 OUTPUT_DIR=~/results/bart-large-multinews-model4 rouge

The ROUGE F1 scores (R1/R2/RL) can be found at

cat ~/results/bart-large-multinews-model4/test.rouge-stdout | grep ">"
>> ROUGE-F(1/2/3/l): 49.24/18.99/23.97

The scores correspond to the numbers from Bart-Long-Graph (1000 tokens graph text) in Table 1 in the paper.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


If you find this code helpful, please consider citing the following paper:

    title={Efficiently Summarizing Text and Graph Encodings of Multi-Document Clusters},
    author={Pasunuru, Ramakanth and Liu, Mengwen and Bansal, Mohit and Ravi, Sujith and Dreyer, Markus},


Implementation of the paper "Efficiently Summarizing Text and Graph Encodings of Multi-Document Clusters (NAACL 2021)"

License:MIT No Attribution


Language:Python 95.0%Language:Shell 1.8%Language:Cuda 1.5%Language:C++ 0.6%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Cython 0.4%Language:Lua 0.2%Language:Batchfile 0.0%