amaurybsouza / infrastructure-as-code-ad-hoc-ansible

IaC Ad-Hoc Tasks with Ansible contain several single-file "task oriented" playbooks ready to be used directly or be used as initial inspiration for your more complex implementations. Public Domain license.

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Infrastructure As Code Ad-Hoc Tasks with Ansible

[public draft] IaC Ad-Hoc Tasks with Ansible contain several single-file "task oriented" playbooks ready to be used directly or be used as initial inspiration for your more complex implementations.

Everything this repository contains is distributed under the Public Domain license: it means that maintain the attribution in the source YAML codes when using full scripts without any change are not a legal or moral requirement, but are just welcome.

The target audience is both who is new to IaC (or IaC with Ansible) and veterans who just want get things done without creating custom playbooks or importing Ansible Roles for ad-hocs group of tasks.

As convention, we recommend you store the files used at a folder called ad-hoc at root of your project (but is up to you commit with you projects or ignore the folder). Or store at home folder named ~/.ad-hoc so you can reuse.

Categorized collections of the Ad-Hoc playbooks


The info collection is safe to use: is granted to not try to install or do actions that could break the target nodes. If some task requires some special tool, you will be warned to install manually.


See info/show-ansible-facts-local.yml.


See info/show-firewall-status.yml.


See info/show-ports-open.yml.



See install/install-debug-tools.yml.


This category is intended only for testing or very fast boostraping. DO NOT USE ON PRODUCTION. They do not even have idempotency (e.g. are not designed to be re-run again without trying to redoing some actions, and this upsed Ansible veterans).

Even if they may require explicit manual input to run (so it can mitigate missuse) consider this folder of playbooks to be tested only on servers that you are using for testing and can reinstall the full operational system.

Anyway, these scripts can be used as initial reference for your own playbooks, but consider using Ansible Roles already published by community. Or at least, yes, you can use then in a emergency, but after installed, manage the nodes without these scripts.


See test/install-mariadb.yml.


See test/install-redis.yml.


Ansible (only on local machine, does not required on remote hosts!)

This repository assumes you already have installed Ansible on your machine.

How to install Ansible

  • Use pip in your selected Python environment to install the Ansible package of your choice for the current user:

python3 -m pip install --user ansible

  • You can test that Ansible is installed correctly by checking the version:

ansible --version

SSH access to remote machines

Most ad-hoc playbooks will also require you be able to SSH into some remote machine. You can either manually enter the password each time with --ask-pass and --ask-become-pass or setup SSH Passwordless Login.

--ask-pass and --ask-become-pass

# Reference command (requires SSH Passwordless Login)
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i hosts

# Command asking root password
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i hosts --ask-pass
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i hosts --ask-become-pass

SSH Passwordless Login

Create a new SSH Key and add to a remote server

If you already does not have one SSH key, the same tutorial used for GitHub give one way to create it:

This Digital Ocean tutorial explains how to create an SSH key, and also how to add to a remote server for SSH Passwordless Login.

We know the first time to be able to do SSH Passwordless Login can be thought. But take your time to learn it, even look for other places with references on it. You can do it :).

How to define the target hosts

This projects provide you the single YAML playbook need for do your thing. But you still need explain what hosts the ad-hoc task will run when using ansible or ansible-playbook.

ansible or ansible-playbook, since are much more powerfull than one averange cli command, are mean to have not only simple list of targets but a powerfull inventory with targets and options.

The "-i," comma trick

This trick is using comma , even if is just for a single target.

# Reference command (requires a file called 'hosts' with your target hostnames/IPs in each new line)
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i hosts

# Equivalent without need of hosts file for a host with domain or ip
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i,
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i,
ansible-playbook ad-hoc/info/show-ports-open.yml -i,,,
How the comma trick works

Why this works? Because if your -i (--inventory) have at least a comma, will be considered as a direct list, not as a file that must be saved on some place. From the documentation:

$ ansible --help
# (...)
  -i INVENTORY, --inventory=INVENTORY, --inventory-file=INVENTORY
     specify inventory host path or comma separated host
      list. --inventory-file is deprecated

hosts file

There are several ways to build your inventory (can be a plain text file, an INI file, and YAML) but the simplest way is have an hosts file on the directory that runs ansible or ansible-playbook with a content like this:

Important note: by default the ad-hoc scripts on this diretory will run agains all your hosts (by default just not localhost), so this may not be desirable.

How to "install" or reuse

Choose one of the options. This repository is not one Ansible Role, and every script here is one-file-script.

1. Manually copy each content file from the public repository

2. Add a copy to a folder called "ad-hoc" on your current project

git clone ad-hoc/

## What do you want to do: ignore or commit the full folder on your repository?
# If want to ignore, add ad-hoc/ to .gitignore
echo "\n# Ignoring Ansible Ad-Hoc files from \nad-hoc/" >> .gitignore

# If want to commit delete the ad-hoc/.git folder
rm -r ad-hoc/.git

3. Clone to ~/.ansible-ad-hoc and symlink to your current project

git clone ~/.ansible-ad-hoc/

ln -s ~/.ansible-ad-hoc/ ad-hoc/

echo "ad-hoc/" >> .gitignore


Public Domain

To the extent possible under law, Emerson Rocha has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work to Public Domain.

Optionally, you can choose to use the MIT License instead of Public Domain unlicense. But if your project already have some license you could choose the same.


IaC Ad-Hoc Tasks with Ansible contain several single-file "task oriented" playbooks ready to be used directly or be used as initial inspiration for your more complex implementations. Public Domain license.

License:The Unlicense


Language:YAML 100.0%