amasare / git-basics

Take you through an everyday git workflow

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Take you through an everyday git workflow

Need help at anytime?

 man git
 git help
 man git-<verb> #eg man git-bisect

First Time Setup

Set your user name and email address. Necessary for commits
 git config --global "Rusty Taco"
 git config --global

Import A New Project

 git clone

Make Changes

Modify existing file "donkey.txt"
Create 3 new files "playArea1.txt", "playArea2.txt", "playArea3.txt"
Stage files
Modify existing file "donkey.txt" again
Notice staged and unstaged state when you run a git status.

 git status
 git status -s (--short)
 git diff (--staged)
 git add .
 git commit -m "Short message describing what you did. "

Remove newly created file "playArea1.txt" from git (staging and working directory -becomes untracked)

git rm playArea1.txt
Commit Messages Guide

1 Separate subject from body with a blank line 1 Limit the subject line to 50 characters 1 Capitalize the subject line 1 Do not end the subject line with a period 1 Use the imperative mood in the subject line 1 Wrap the body at 72 characters 1 Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

View changes

 git log [-p|--stat|--graph|--oneline][--pretty=short|full|fuller][--since="2 weeks ago"]

Undo changes

  • Anything that you lose that you have not commited can never be gotten back *
If you forgot to add "i_forgot_you.txt" to your commit.
git add .
git commit --amend
If you want to unstage (remove from snapshot ready for commit) a file

Modify and stage "donkey.txt"

git add . 

Remove file from index

git reset HEAD donkey.txt

File is in working directory and modified state only. To unmodify (revert it to it's last committed state) DANGEROUS:

git checkout -- donkey.txt

Share With Others

 git push

Update Your Repository

git pull --rebase


Tag specific version in history as important

git tag 'release1'
git status
git show 'release1'

Tag information doesn't usually go with a push. To push tag:

git push origin 'release1'


Shortcuts for specified commands

git config --global checkout #Next time run 'git co' instead of 'git checkout'
git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'
git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'

Modify playArea2.txt, stage it, then unstage with your new alias


Create Branch

git branch 'awesome_branch'
git log --decorate #observe which commits all the branches are pointing to

HEAD - branch git is on at the moment

Switch To New Branch

git checkout 'awesome_branch'

Create commit on new branch and check commits pointed to again
Switch to master, check commits pointed to. Changes are isolated!

git log --decorate --all

Merge Branch

Replay changes in awesome_branch since it diverged from master, record result in a new commit on top of master

git merge master

Random Favourites

git blame
git bisect
git log -Sfind_log_this_word_was_introduced
git stash


Take you through an everyday git workflow