amanjaiman1 / Terribly-Tiny-Tales

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Terribly-tiny-tales Task

The given task involves building a frontend using Reactjs or Nextjs, which fetches the contents of a text file, calculates the frequency of each word, generates a histogram chart of the 20 most occurring words, and allows the user to export the histogram data as a CSV file.

The frontend consists of two components: SubmitButtonComponent and Histogram.


The component renders a "Submit" button. On clicking the button, the loadHandle function is triggered, which toggles the isLoading state and navigates to the "/submit" route using the navigate function. The component uses the useState and useNavigate hooks from react-router-dom.


The component fetches the contents of the text file using the useEffect hook, processes the text data to calculate the frequency of each word, and generates a histogram chart using the Bar component from react-chartjs-2. The component uses the useState, useEffect, and useNavigate hooks.

The histogram data is stored in the histogramData state variable, and the top 20 words are stored in the words state variable. The component also includes a "Back" button to navigate back to the home page and an "Export" button to download the histogram data as a CSV file.

The following libraries and plugins are used in the project:

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-router-dom: A library that provides routing capabilities for React applications.
  • react-chartjs-2: A library for creating charts in React using Chart.js.
  • chart.js/auto: A plugin that automatically installs the required Chart.js components based on the chart type used.
  • framer-motion: A animation library for creating fluid animations and gestures in React applications.

Deployment -



Language:JavaScript 71.9%Language:CSS 19.1%Language:HTML 9.0%