amangupta679 / APIC-INSTALLATION

Installing IBM API Connect in OpenShift Container Platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installing IBM API Connect in OpenShift Container Platform

Pre-Requisite: 1 . An OCP cluster with version 4.12.7 (Preferably, 3 master nodes with 8v CPU and 16GB RAM and 3 worker nodes with 16v CPU and 32GB RAM)

2 . Permissions to install and configure software in the OCP cluster

3 . IBMid for obtaining entitlement key.

OpenShift Roles and permissions

Two roles are required for Cloud Pak for Integration:

A cluster administrator is assigned the cluster-admin role.

A namespace admin is assigned the admin role in a specific namespace (project).

1 . Installing operators

2 . Validating installation of an operator

Finding and applying your entitlement key by using the CLI

Obtaining your entitlement key

Applying the pull secret

Adding a global pull secret for all namespaces

Adding a pull secret to a namespace using the CLI

  oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \
    --docker-username=cp \
    --docker-password=entitlement_key \ \

Deploying the platform UI

1 . Deploying the Platform UI by using the OpenShift console

2 . Deploying the Platform UI by using the CLI


Installing IBM API Connect in OpenShift Container Platform