amacneil / docker-duoauthproxy

Duo Authentication Proxy in a docker container

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Duo AuthProxy on Linux

Image Size  Image Layers  Docker Registry  Circle CI

Project URL:
Docker hub:
Current version: Duo Authproxy (release notes)


Duo Authentication Proxy provides a local proxy service to enable on-premise integrations between VPNs, devices, applications, and hosted Duo or Trustwave two-factor authentication (2fa).

This repo provides a way to build Duo Authentication Proxy into a docker image and run it as a container.

Build integrity

The repo is set up to compile the software in a "builder" container, then copy the built binaries into a "runtime" container free of development tools.


An unattended test harness runs the build script for each of the supported distributions and runs acceptance tests, including authentication against a test radius server with live Duo integration as a second factor. If all tests pass on master branch in the unattended test harness, it pushes the built images to the Docker hub.

Network diagram

Duo network diagram


  • Application or Service is any RADIUS client, such as Citrix Netscaler, Juniper SSL VPN, Cisco ASA, f5, OpenVPN, or others.

  • Authentication Proxy is the container described by this repo.

    • It acts as a RADIUS server for the application or service.
    • It acts as a client to a primary auth service (either Active Directory or RADIUS).
    • It acts as an HTTPS client to DUO hosted service.
  • Active Directory or RADIUS is a primary authentication service.

  • DUO is a hosted service to simplify two-factor authentication.


  1. User provides username and password to the application or service.

  2. Application (RADIUS client) offers credentials to AuthProxy (RADIUS server).

  3. AuthProxy acts as either a RADIUS client or an Active Directory client and tries to authenticate against the primary backend auth service.

  4. If step 3 is successful, AuthProxy establishes a single HTTPS connection to DUO hosted service to validate second authentication factor with user.

  5. User provides the second authentication factor, either approve or deny.

  6. DUO terminates the HTTPS connection established by AuthProxy with pass/fail, and AuthProxy returns the pass/fail to Application.

  7. Application accepts or denies the user authentication attempt.



Pull an already-built image

These images are built as part of the test harness on CircleCI. If all tests pass on master branch, then the image is pushed into the docker hub.

docker pull jumanjiman/duoauthproxy:latest

The "latest" tag always points to the latest version. Additional tags include <upstream_authproxy_version>-<git_hash> to correlate any image to both the authproxy version and a git commit from this repo.

We push the tags automatically from the test harness, and we occasionally delete old tags from the Docker hub by hand.

Configure the authproxy

The image assumes the configuration is at /etc/duoauthproxy/authproxy.cfg and provides a basic, default config file.

You want docker logs <cid> to be meaningful, so your custom config should contain a [main] section that includes:


The contrib directory in this git repo contains a sample config for an authproxy that provides secondary authentication to NetScaler.

See [] ( for all options.

Run the authproxy

Edit the sample config file or provide your own:

vim contrib/authproxy.cfg
sudo cp contrib/authproxy.cfg /etc/duoauthproxy/

Copy the sample unit file into place and activate:

sudo cp contrib/duoauthproxy.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable duoauthproxy
sudo systemctl start duoauthproxy

Alternatively, you can run the container in detached mode from the CLI:

docker run -d \
  --name duoauthproxy \
  -p 1812:1812/udp \
  -p 18120:18120/udp \
  -v /etc/duoauthproxy:/etc/duoauthproxy \
  --read-only \
  --cap-drop=all \
  --cap-add=setgid \
  --cap-add=setuid \

Forward logs to a central syslog server

There are multiple approaches. An easy way is to use to forward the logs.

The contrib directory in this git repo provides a sample systemd unit file to run logspout.

Edit the unit file to specify your server:

vim contrib/logspout.service

Copy the modified unit file into place and activate:

sudo cp contrib/logspout.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable logspout
sudo systemctl start logspout

Build the docker image

Build an image locally on a host with Docker:


Run a container interactively from the built image:

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh duoauthproxy

Test locally

An acceptance test harness runs on for each pull request. You do not need to do anything other than open a PR in order to test changes on CircleCI.

As an alternative, you can run the acceptance test harness locally to verify operation. First, create a free personal account at and create two integrations.

First integration:

  • Integration type: RADIUS
  • Integration name: test-radius-allow
  • Policy: Allow access (Unenrolled users will pass through without two-factor authentication)
  • Username normalization: None

Second integration:

  • Integration type: RADIUS
  • Integration name: test-radius-deny
  • Policy: Deny access (Unenrolled users will be denied access)
  • Username normalization: None

⚠️ This test harness assumes your Duo account does not have a user named "test".

Create a local file at the root of the repo named environment. The file holds keys for the integrations you created above.

# environment

# This integration allows users without 2fa.
export IKEY_ALLOW=DIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export SKEY_ALLOW=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# This integration denies users without 2fa.
export IKEY_DENY=DIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
export SKEY_DENY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# Test harness uses a real radius server and client.
# See
# Specify an optimistic or pessimistic tag here.
export RADIUS_TAG="latest"

Run the test harness on a single image:


The test harness uses BATS. Output resembles:

✓ radius auth via duo authproxy is allowed when 2fa succeeds
✓ radius auth via duo authproxy is rejected when 2fa fails
✓ There are no suid files
✓ duo user exists
✓ duo user is denied interactive login
✓ duo is the only user account
✓ duo is the only user account
✓ duo group exists
✓ duo is the only group account
✓ duo is the only group account
✓ bash is not installed

11 tests, 0 failures


All files in this repo are subject to LICENSE (also in this repo).

Your usage of the built docker image is subject to the terms within the built image.

View the Duo end-user license agreement:

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh duoauthproxy -c "cat $eula"

Get a list of licenses for third-party components within the images:

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint sh duoauthproxy-builder -c "find $dir -iregex '.*license.*'"


Thanks to Duo for providing free personal accounts that make the test harness in this repo possible.


Duo Authentication Proxy in a docker container

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 90.6%Language:Python 9.4%