alyssaq / heap

Heap implementation in C++

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Heap Implementation in C++

This is an implementation of a binary min-heap.
Heaps maintain an implicit binary tree structure in an array (I used the STL vector so that we do not have to specify an array size at creation time).
Min-heap property: All nodes are less than or equal of its children. Thus, the minimum key always sits at the top of the heap.



$ g++ heap.cpp example.cpp


$ ./a.out


Compile (needs googletest header files):

$ make


$ ./unittest.out

You should see that all tests have PASSED.

##Operations n = number of items in the heap

  • Insert - O(log n): add a new item to the heap
  • Extract min - O(log n): remove an item with minimum value
  • Delete - O(log n): remove an item from the heap
  • bubbleUp/bubbleDown - O(log n): rearrage heap to maintain its property
  • Heapsort - O(n log n): calls extract-min n items to sort the heap
  • Make heap - O(n): given an unsorted array, each element for n elements has to be added into the internal queue and bubbleDown O(log n). Not all heapify operations are O(log n), this is why you are getting O(n).


  • Event manager
  • Median maintenance
  • Speeding up Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm with n vertices and m edges.
    O(nm) => O(m log n). n loop iteations, m work per iteration (linear scan through edges for min computations)

Google C++ Testing

Note that I have included the Google Test object file (gtest_main.a) so that you do not need to re-build Google's C++ test framework. The object file is built against version 1.7.

If you wish to re-build another version, you may download the test framework at

Move the gtest folder somewhere permenant, e.g. ~/Documents.
Create a symlink to the gtest folder where Makefile resides.

> ln -s ~/Documents/lib/gtest-1.7.0 gtest  

To use it, comment out the .INTERMEDIATE line in the Makefile.
This will build the gtest object file located at GTEST_DIR.

Random Trivia

max-heap vs sorted array:

  1. Find the maximum element quickly:
    O(1) for both. Root of max-heap and last element in array.
  2. Delete an element quickly:
    O(log n) for max-heap. O(n) for array without the element index, otherwise, O(1).
  3. Form the structure quickly:
    O(n) to build a heap, O(n log n) to sort an array.
  4. Find the minimum element quickly:
    O(log n) to find the min element. O(1) for the array as the first element.


Heap implementation in C++


Language:C++ 100.0%