alyssaong1 / Personal-python-notes

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Personal python notes

pip install --upgrade pip

Setup virtualenv on Windows

Create a python 3 virtualenv: virtualenv -p python3 envname

Open VSCode from a virtual environment just created:

Install scipy manually Remember to download the right scipy whl, depending on python version (e.g. cp36 is for python 3.6) Need scipy, scikit-learn, numpy+mkl.

Great intro to using Python with ML with the titanic challenge:

Breast cancer prediction:

SVM detailed analysis for predicting gender:

Setting up CNTK on Windows

Spin up a DSVM windows server 2012 VM. Remote Desktop in using your username and password credentials you created.

Remember to conda install scikit-image then go download the wheel for opencv here and install using pip install.

Helpful link for installation FAQ

Use your own data

Remember to run activate py35 before running any scripts.

Setting up CNTK on Linux

Set up the Linux Data Science Virtual Machine from the Cortana Intelligence Gallery. Update JK found out that this is buggy so better to go to Azure portal > New > then search for dsvm linux and spin it up from the portal. Don't forget to agree to the programmatic agreement.

Run dsvm-more-info for more info on the ML tools in the VM.

Activate the python 3.5 environment with source /anaconda/bin/activate py35

Go get CNTK 2.0, instructions

set up VM

git clone

Pip install the following (in sudo):

  • opencv-python
  • scikit-learn
  • Pillow
  • future
  • dlib - this takes ages
  • EasyDict

Make sure you use sudo /anaconda/envs/py35/bin/pip install <package> # for Python 3.5 environment so that it installs in the right environment

Setting up Tensorflow Object Detection API

Proto issues: tensorflow/models#1834 (comment)

Build your clone project

Setting up Tensorflow using Python 2.7 on a DSVM

Use the following: (select 2.7 CPU package)

Then run everything while inside the (tensorflow) environment

Managing data

Truncating the dictionary:

Tensorflow Seq2Seq translator project

Run this in the root nmt folder

python -m nmt.nmt \ --src=vi --tgt=en \ --vocab_prefix=nmt/iwslt15/vocab \ --train_prefix=nmt/iwslt15/train \ --dev_prefix=nmt/iwslt15/tst2012 \ --test_prefix=nmt/iwslt15/tst2013 \ --out_dir=nmt/iwslt15/nmt_model \ --num_train_steps=12000 \ --steps_per_stats=100 \ --num_layers=2 \ --num_units=128 \ --dropout=0.2 \ --metrics=bleu

If you want to retrain with different number of steps, make sure you delete contents in nmt_model first.

Deploying to server

source activate tensorflow export Remember to use flask run --host= to expose to a public server, see here:

To list all ports running: lsof -i

Make sure you put the index.html file into a templates folder - this is the default folder flash renders templates from.

Azure ML installation

C:\Users\alon\AppData\Local\AmlInstaller.datastore - make sure you delete everything in here when doing a reinstallation. Then run Installer.Windows.exe in the same AmlInstaller folder.

Merge issues: Resolve the dsource and dsource.user file. Go back to the dsource in workbench. Click on "Prepare". Select the preparation package in the root folder. Then click on reference dataflow > edit > this file > click Ok

Add the following into .gitignore: *.dprep.user *.dsource.user

Running the reddit RNN project

Downloading large gdrive files from ubuntu (see vladalive's comment) -

Running cornell movie corpus RNN

Create virtualenv and install tf 1.0 gpu Install nltk Download the dataset from Create the cornell corpus folder in the ckpt folder

Creating a kernel for Jupyter using existing virtualenv:
