alx3dev / ctfc

Crypto to Fiat Currency data gathering

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Removed gem colorize to allow MIT license.
All comits from v-0.4.0 must be signed and tagged verified.


Convert any crypto to fiat currency, gather all data and/or save in .csv table.
For now only prices are printed/saved, while all data remain easily accessible from variable (for developers).

How to install

Make sure you have ruby and git installed

Install from source:

 git clone
 cd ctfc && bundle install

Install from rubygems:

gem install ctfc

How to run

ruby bin/ctfc fiat_1 fiat_2 fiat_3

This command also accept multiple arguments:

  • --no-save - do not save .csv. output
  • --no-print - do not print terminal output
  • --coins - coins to scrap (default: BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, BCH, ZEC )
  • --loop - repeat script N times (default 1)
  • --wait - wait N seconds between loops (default 0)
  • --help - help menu

Script Examples

1 - Run script without arguments (default options)

 ruby bin/ctfc 
 => return:  
      print EUR rates for default coins (BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, BCH, ZEC)
      do not save '.csv' table 

2 - Add fiat currencies as arguments

ruby bin/ctfc eur usd rsd

 => return:  
      print EUR, USD, RSD rates for default coins 
      save data in '.csv' table with pattern: 'crypto_#{CURRENCY}.csv'
      -> './crypto_eur.csv', './crypto_usd.csv', './crypto_rsd.csv'

3 - Use --no-save, --no-print, --loop, --wait

ruby bin/ctfc eur --no-print --coins btc xmr ltc
 => return:
      save EUR rates for BTC, XMR and LTC
      do not print output  
ruby bin/ctfc rsd --no-save --coins btc xmr

 => return:
      print RSD rates for BTC and XMR

# added in version 0.4.0
ruby bin/ctfc rsd --no-print --loop 1440 --wait 60

 => return:
      save RSD rates without print, run each minute for 24 hours

Developer Examples

  # define coins to scrap

  # initialize Data class  
  @data = :eur, save: false, print: false, coins: COINS
    => return Ctfc object to work with
    -> #<Ctfc:0x000055b5c8b61a38 @coins=["BTC", "LTC", "XMR", "ETH", "BCH", "ZEC"], @fiat="EUR", @print=true, @save=true>
  # execute request
    => return Hash with upcase string coins as keys, and float prices
    -> {"BTC"=>36760.11, "XMR"=>169.55, "LTC"=>114.4, "ETH"=>2746.22}
  # now you can use ::Data instance methods
    => return RestClient response to cryptocomare API
    -> <RestClient::Response 200 "{\"RAW\":{\"BT...">
  # check request url 
    => return Cryptocompare API url
    -> ""
  # name of csv table (saved in working directory)  
    => return '.csv' table name
    -> 'ctfc_eur.csv'

  # array of coins to work with
    => return coins for scrap, also allow setter method @data.coins = [...]
    -> ['BTC', 'XMR', 'LTC', 'ETH']

  # get all data about all coins (json api response)
    => return all data returned by cryptocompare API
    -> {"RAW"=>
           ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Class methods as shortcuts:

# get default coins in EUR, save output without printing
  prices = :eur, print: false

# get default coins in RSD, print output, don't save :rsd, save: false
# For those who don't like name `Ctfc`, you can use `Crypto` too:
  prices = :eur, coins: %w[BTC XMR]


To run tests call rspec --format doc
To test code syntax use ./
This command will run rubocop for code inspection, but with some errors hidden by .rubocop_todo.yml. Using check-syntax script, all test should pass.


Any contribution is highly appreciated, as long as you follow Code of Conduct.

  • Fork repository
  • Make your changes
  • Write tests
  • Submit pull request


Don't be a dick - it's MIT.


See Projects


Crypto to Fiat Currency data gathering



Language:Ruby 95.9%Language:Shell 4.1%