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Name: dappling.eth Website:

Name of main point of contact


What do you want to build on ENS?

dAppling is a tool that makes it easy for developers to deploy decentralized frontends to IPFS & ENS. Developers connect their GitHub account, and with a few clicks get a decentralized site with CI/CD, preview builds, and best practices for a fast decentralized site out of the box.


We believe that it's instrumental for the front end layer of applications to become decentralized. As ENS continues to grow, new use cases are popping up. We envision a future where ENS is used to provide a decentralized access point for all applications. For this to happen, developers need a way to host their sites a decentralized way with a great developer experience, good performance for their users, and web3 grade security.

Some problems we are working on solving

Frontends need to be reliable.

Smart contracts have 100% availability, but 100% availability doesn't mean much if the way users access the smart contract (the frontend) is unavailable. We are working to provide decentralized access points for frontends to make sure users are always able to interact with the applications during time critical times.

This is especially important for DeFi protocols, where their frontend being down may result in users getting liquidated if they can't add to their positions.

Frontends need to be secure.

DeFi frontends are plagued with hacks. These need to stop for mass adoption. Here's a few from just the last month...


We are in a core position to help prevent these types of frontend attacks attacks for protocols.

Frontends need to be fast for users.

We scrapped all of the DeFi protocols that are on and found that over 50% of them are using centralized frontends with tools like Vercel or Netlify.

We talked with many of these teams and learned the main reasons they aren't using decentralized frontends with ENS:

  1. They want their site to be really fast for users, and currently decentralized sites are plagued with speed issues.
  2. The developer experience for deploying to IPFS + ENS sucks (no automatic cicd/ no preview builds, no instant rollbacks, users have to pay gas to update their .eth website).

Some specific ideas we have for the future

  • Building a standard way for protocols to prove their canonical contract addresses using ENS. We built an MVP of this with uniswap, where they use v3deployments.uniswap.eth to show their canonical addresses on each chain.
  • Building a standard way for users to define their different access points for their frontend, and a way to verify that the access points are not malicious.
  • Directory of decentralized sites and their access points.

Past experience working on ENS

We have been working on dAppling for about the past year and our team has been building in the Ethereum ecosystem since 2021. CleanShot 2023-11-30 at 14 57 15@2x

Our team previously built, which helped DAOs raise ~3m in debt based financing and had ~15m max TVL

We've also built several tools: v3deployments, ggp dashboard, blockchain event explorer

Size of team and commitment

We are currently a team of 3 working on this full time. We may bring on a few more people if we are selected as a service provider.

Links to documents with further information

Conflict of interest statement


10k Endorsement link

Budget Requested


Other notes

Thanks for considering our application!
